
ILA’s official podcast, Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders, offers a smart, fast-paced discussion on all things leadership. Host Scott Allen and his expert guests cover timely, relevant topics and incorporate practical tips designed to help you make a difference in how you lead and live.

The ILA also partners with ILA Member Maureen Metcalf on a series of global leadership episodes each year within the Innovating Leadership: Co-Creating Our Future podcast. ILA Members Lauren Bullock and Dan Jenkins partner with ILA to feature the work of ILA members on a series of episodes within the Leadership Educator Podcast.

Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders

Building (Virtual) Teams

Dr. Ellen Burts-Cooper joins Scott to discuss how to make organizational teams more productive, more cohesive, and more resilient.

Work on It Until You Become It

Dr. Sadhana Warty Hall discusses her work co-chairing ILA’s General Principles Task Force and the guidelines she helped develop for academic curricular and co-curricular leadership programs.

The Impact of Those Stories

Industrial psychologist Dr. Kelly Peterson discusses organizational development strategies and design solutions, particularly as related to diversity, inclusion, and equity.

A Mountain With No Top

Wiley “Chip” Souba joins Scott to discuss innovative approaches to teaching leadership and the idea that most of the barriers to great leadership are not external, but within.

Lead & Follow

Sharna Fabiano, internationally recognized tango artist, discusses the leader/follower dynamic with Scott.

The Act of Phronesis

Dr. Elena Antonacopoulou, founder and director of GNOSIS, joins Scott to discuss the act of “phronesis” and its intersection with leadership, dialogue, judgement, and action research.

Mutiny and Leadership

ILA Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Keith Grint discusses his latest book Mutiny and Leadership. As Keith shares, leading a mutiny almost never goes well, so why would you do it? Why indeed!

From Departing Employees to Loyal Alumni

Scott talks with Dr. Alison M. Dachner and Dr. Erin E. Makarius about the value of offboarding employees in a thoughtful, purposeful way. Organizations can plan ahead with these recommended best practices.

Leadership Assessments: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Scott talks with Dr. Marcy Levy Shankman and Dr. Ralph Gigliotti about their new publication, Using Inventories and Assessments to Enhance Leadership Development, Issue 170 of New Directions for Student Leadership. Topics include a history of assessments, assessment ethics, co-curricular tools, and more.

Undoing the Silence

Scott talks with Dr. Candace Brunette-Debassige, a Mushkego Cree iskwew scholar originally from Peetabeck Treaty 9 Territory, about advancing the liberatory needs of Indigenous Peoples in Euro-Western colonial educational spaces.

Spheres Not Squares

Scott talks with Dr. Chellie Spiller, (hapū Matawhaiti Iwitea, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa), a professor at the University of Waikato Management School in Auckland, New Zealand. Topics range from wayfinding to Māori Business and leadership development.

Ethics is a Team Sport

Scott talks Sean Hannah, Colonel U.S. Army (Ret). Sean is an experienced senior leader, scholar, and leader development expert who consults on the building of high-performing teams. He is also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.