ILA Webinars

Leadership Perspectives is a series of live, interactive webinars that support our mission and the work of our members.  ILA members receive free access to all Leadership Perspectives webinars —live and on demand. 

ILA members enjoy free access to all leadership perspectives webinars. Not a member? No problem. Register for only $9.95 per webinar.

Most of our webinars are offered at two different times to make it easy for our global membership to participate live!


Upcoming Webinars

Image with Book Cover of To Stop a Tyrant and author Ira Chaleff.

To Stop a Tyrant: Political Followers & Leaders

Live Webinar 21 August. Choose from 12pm or 8pm EDT (UTC-4). Renowned Followership guru Ira Chaleff deconstructs the relationship of political followers and leaders and demonstrates how followers, regardless of their distance or proximity to the leader, can help interrupt the progression of political leader to dictator or tyrant.

Learn More & Register »

Webinar Library

Weren’t able to join us for one of our webinars? Within 48 hours of the event, the ILA posts complete recordings and presentation materials of all of its webinars to its Webinar Archive. ILA members enjoy free access as a benefit of membership.


Leadership Journeys Webinar. Advancing Leadership Programs Via Executive Coaching. With Dr. Carolyn Stefanco, Founder and CEO Baret Consulting

Advancing Leadership Programs Via Executive Coaching

Live Webinar Wednesday 17 July 2024, 11am, EDT (UTC-4). Dr. Carolyn Stefanco will share her leadership journey and how she draws from the many roles she has held to support the success of executive coaching clients in their current positions and as they advance into higher levels of leadership in colleges and universities, nonprofits, and health systems.

Leadership Journeys Webinar. Advancing Leadership Programs via University Design Initiatives. With Dr. Minu Ipe. Director of the University Design Institute at Arizona State university

Advancing Leadership Programs via University Design Initiatives

Dr. Minu Ipe, Director of the University Design Institute at Arizona State University, shares her leadership journey in helping higher education systems in 23 countries to reimagine and redesign their leadership programs through purpose-driven innovation.

Environmentally Sustainable Leadership: Past, Present, and Future Dr. Benjamin Redekop

Environmentally Sustainable Leadership: Past, Present, and Future

Benjamin Redekop shares a comprehensive overview of the rise and evolution of environmentally sustainable leadership, providing a foundation for understanding the challenges, dilemmas, and opportunities for environmentally sustainable leadership today. He’ll also share how to use his new book in the classroom. The webinar is moderated by Joanna Stanberry

The Handbook of Climate Change Leadership in Organisations Developing Leadership for the Age of Sustainability. Presenter. Dr. Doug MacKie

Climate Change Leadership in Organizations

Doug MacKie, editor of Handbook of Climate Change Leadership in Organisations, discusses the failures of current leadership practice and how climate change leadership capabilities can be effectively developed in organizations.

a light bulb glowing on pile of soil

Innovation Leadership: Emerging Findings on Effective Practice

How can leaders create greater impact for innovation in a rapidly changing world while also creating new and sustainable sources of value for their organizations and ecosystems? Sheffield, Jensen, and Kaudela-Baum discuss insights and findings from their new book, Innovation Leadership in Practice.

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Why Inquiring Leadership Matters

Live Webinar 6 March 2024 at 12pm EST (UTC-5). In this practical, informative, and experiential webinar, Marilee Adams discusses Inquiring Leadership and the importance of mindsets for leaders. Choice Map, a practical model that illustrates how to embody an effective mindset is introduced.

outline of head as a starry nebula

Exploring Personhood in Contemporary Times

Panelists explore the difficult questions about our identities and our relationships with others as they offer insights on how to grow personally and professionally as individuals and leaders.