Mindfulness, Resilience, and Caring

How do we learn and practice mindfulness, build resilience, and become more effective and caring people and leaders? These resources can help.

ILA’s resource collections gather resources from across our site that have been tagged as pertaining to a particular topic. Some are public access while others are available to members only. 

Image of candles burning

Below are a selection of recent resources, by category. You can view all Mindfulness, Resilience, and Caring resources here.


Phronesis Practical Wisdom for Leaders Podcast -Episode 222 Dr Les Sylvan - Meditation Mindfulness and Leadership- The official Podcast of the International Leadership Association
Meditation, Mindfulness, & Leadership

Former police chief Les Sylven discusses his research and work with Canadian police officers on the practice of meditation, mindfulness, and leadership.

Law & Order... & Leadership. Innovating Leadership Co-Creating Our Future. With Maureen Metcalf.
Law & Order…& Leadership

Can law enforcement rise to the challenge of reforming policing with new styles of leadership? Rob Elkington and Les Sylven discuss policing challenges and offer some surprising solutions...

Innovating Leadership Co-Creating Our Future
Boosting Workplace Well-Being

Cameron Stockdale, CEO of the Work Wellness Institute, discusses the 4-day workweek & other workplace wellness initiatives that boost productivity.

Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders
Activation Energy

Dr. Todd Deal from the Center for Creative Leadership joins Scott for a wide-ranging discussion on leadership and resilience.

Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders
A Mountain With No Top

Wiley “Chip” Souba joins Scott to discuss innovative approaches to teaching leadership and the idea that most of the barriers to great leadership are not external, but within.

Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders
Spheres Not Squares

Scott talks with Dr. Chellie Spiller, (hapū Matawhaiti Iwitea, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa), a professor at the University of Waikato Management School in Auckland, New Zealand. Topics range...

Maureen Metcalf Podcast Cover
Mindfulness and Its Benefits in the Work Place

Supporting the long-term mental health of your team can mean the difference between an engaged, collaborative and productive organization…or one riddled with toxicity and turnover. Peter Weng and...

Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders
Dark Gifts of the Pandemic

Dr. Steve Mortenson is an award-winning teacher and researcher. Steve's mission is to help people help themselves by sharing transformative tools for building personal skills and relational effectiveness....


Arms upraised toward a charismatic leader in a shadowy auditorium.
Overcoming an Addiction to Leadership­­­

Lucie Hartley and ILA Fellow Richard Bolden explore the consequences of an addiction to leadership. Drawing on examples from drug and alcohol services, they illustrate how recovery techniques...

Paper Boat floating on sunny sea
Leading From Stillness

Leaders can learn to lead from a place of stillness - recognizing their own potential to react to situations and seeking to be free of clouded judgement by...

Build Back Better… With Care and Compassion

As governments and organisations around the world seek to “build back better” from the Covid-19 pandemic, Richard Bolden stresses the importance of making time and space for recovery...

The Power of Belief, The Triumph of Voice

ILA Fellow Katherine Tyler Scott discusses the re-emergence of autocratic leadership around the world and its ties to societal anxiety before exploring Ukrainian President Zelensky's ability to use...

The Narrative We Feed Gets Stronger

Our world is a place where benefits and burdens are not widely shared. We have an opportunity to envision a new way of moving forward, a new narrative...

Briefing: Civic Capacity and the Coronavirus

The coronavirus continues to devastate communities around the world. Given the immensity of the damage and the colossal investment needed to repair it, ensuring that our responses enhance...

Newsletter Articles

Screen Shot of Kathryn Goldman Schuyler and Rasmus Hougaard during their Exploring Leadership Interview
Exploring Leadership With Rasmus Hougaard

Kathryn Goldman Schuyler interviews Rasmus Hougaard, founder and CEO of Potential Project, a global consulting firm emphasizing how simple mindfulness practice combined with an attitude of compassion helps...

Rainbow paint dripping down
2020 Leaning Into 2021

2020 was filled with unimaginable disruptions and loss for many people. But in the midst of those clouds, the ILA held tight to its mission and sought to...

