Civic Leadership Virtual Collaboratory

Leadership for Democracy: Self, Identity, and Freedom
Civic Leadership Virtual Collaboratory. Leadership for Democracy: Self, Identity, and Freedom. 12 September 2024. Hosted in partnership by ILA and W4C

Thank You!
The International Leadership Association and Women4Change wish to thank everyone who attended the collaboratory 12 September 2024.

Thank you to the Lilly Endowment for supporting this event!

Agenda Preview for the Upcoming Civic Leadership Collaboratory

Invitation to Attend the Civic Leadership Virtual Collaboratory

Unravel the complexities of leadership and civic participation in this virtual event!

You’ll explore the evolving definitions of leadership, the role of a citizen versus customer mindset, and the factors driving trust and participation in democratic systems. This virtual event is a must-attend for anyone seeking to increase civic participation and expand the leadership paradigm. Register Today.

The acute threat to democracy and escalating movement toward autocratic leadership around the world is alarming to many. Why is this happening ? What does it mean?  How can individuals and communities respond?  These are the questions responsible citizens and leaders are asking — questions whose exploration will impact the present and future generations to come. We are facing a critical juncture with this threat.

To delve further into these questions, the International Leadership Association (ILA) and Women4Change (W4CI) are pleased to announce our 2024 Virtual Collaboratory, “Leadership for Democracy: Self, Identity, and Freedom,” with keynote presenter Dr. Ronald Heifetz, Founder of the Center for Public Leadership and King Hussein bin Talal Senior Lecturer in Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School. Dr. Heifetz is a highly respected leadership scholar, educator, author, and practitioner. His consulting, teaching methodology, and seminal books — Leadership Without Easy Answers and Leadership on the Line — have been transformational in leadership studies and systems change. Over the past ten years, Heifetz has focused much of his work on the important questions related to democracy, consulting with heads of state around the world such as former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and former President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia. See his complete bio below. 

Join us 12 September 2024, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT (UTC-4) on Zoom for this critical conversation and learning experience.

Attendees will experience a rich blend of lecture, small breakouts, and panelist responses that lead to deeper understanding of the powerful relationship between identity, systemic change, and leadership — an essential combination in a healthy democracy. Discussants Angela Carr Klitzsch (CEO of Women4Change), Mike Hardy (Professor and Executive Director of the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations at Coventry University and Board Chair for the International Leadership Association), and Mark Gerzon (President, Mediators Foundation) will lead the post-presentation discussion with Dr. Heifetz and collaboratory attendees.

What is a Collaboratory? A Collaboratory combines the words collaboration and laboratory to suggest an open space where people come together to work on transformative, innovative solutions to complex issues.

*We are committed to equitable access to this event. Partial scholarships are available thanks to a generous grant from a sponsor. To receive a scholarship, simply select the appropriate registration level on the form to automatically receive a partial scholarship.

** Would you like to bring a class or other group to the collaboratory? Sign up for classroom/group access that allows the group leader to log in and broadcast their screen to their group. During breakouts, hold in-person discussions with your group. Note – classroom/group access is only for 1 login for the group leader. Group leaders are responsible for broadcasting their screen for their group. Group members will not have individual logins.


Times Listed Are Approximate & Are Subject to Change.

I. Welcome, Overview of the Agenda, and Instructions – Katherine Tyler Scott (5 minutes)

II. Introduction of Ron Heifetz, Angela Carr Klitzsch, and Mike Hardy – Katherine Tyler Scott (10 minutes).

III. Presentation I – Ron Heifetz (20 minutes)

IV. Small Group Discussion (Triads) – (9 minutes)

V. Large Group Debrief (10 minutes)

VI. Presentation II – Ron Heifetz  (20 minutes)

VII. Small Group Discussion (Triads) (9 minutes)

VIII. Large Group Debrief (10 minutes)

IX. Respondents – Angela Carr Klitzsch, Mike Hardy, and Mark Gerzon (15 minutes).

X. Summary and Closure – Ron Heifetz  and Katherine Tyler Scott (5 minutes)

Ronald Heifetz (Keynote) is among the world’s foremost authorities on the practice and teaching of leadership. He advises heads of governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations across the globe. In 2016, President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia highlighted Heifetz’s advice in his Nobel Peace Prize Lecture. Heifetz founded the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School where he is the King Hussein bin Talal Senior Lecturer in Public Leadership. Heifetz played a pioneering role in establishing leadership as an area of study and education at Harvard, in the United States, and around the world. His research addresses two key challenges: developing a conceptual foundation for the analysis and practice of leadership; and developing transformative methods for leadership education, training, and consultation. 

Read Bio

Heifetz co-developed the adaptive leadership framework with Riley Sinder and Marty Linsky to provide a basis for leadership practice and research. His first book, Leadership Without Easy Answers (1994), is a classic in the field and has long been one of the ten most assigned course books at Harvard and Duke Universities.  Heifetz co-authored the best-selling Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of Change with Marty Linsky, which serves as one of the primary go-to books for practitioners across sectors (2002, revised 2017).  He then co-authored the field book, The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing your Organization and the World with Alexander Grashow and Marty Linsky (2009). His HarvardX online course, Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles (2020), has reached more than 500,000 people and was one of five finalists among global online courses for the EdX Prize.

Heifetz began his focus on leadership education and development in 1983. Drawing students from throughout Harvard’s graduate schools and neighboring universities, his courses on leadership are legendary; his core course is considered by Kennedy School alumni to be the most influential in their career. His teaching methods have been studied extensively in doctoral dissertations and in Leadership Can Be Taught, by Sharon Daloz Parks (Harvard Business Press, 2005).

A graduate of Columbia University, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard Kennedy School, Heifetz is both a physician and cellist. He trained initially in surgery before deciding to devote himself to the study of leadership to address the major challenges facing societies and organizations. Heifetz completed his medical training in psychiatry to provide a foundation for developing a political psychology of leadership. As a cellist, he was privileged to study with the great Russian virtuoso, Gregor Piatigorsky.

Katherine Tyler Scott

Katherine Tyler Scott (Event Host & Moderator), Principle, Ki ThoughtBridge. Before becoming Principle of Ki ThoughtBridge, LLC Katherine Tyler Scott developed and directed several statewide and national leadership education programs. She has consulted with and trained thousands of leaders, written numerous articles, developed curricula and co-authored books on organizational change and development, conflict resolution change management and leadership.

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Katherine is founder of Trustee Leadership Development, Inc. a national organization that worked with governance and executive leaders of not-for-profits; and the Lilly Endowment Leadership Education Program a training program for fellows committed to transformational systemic change.

Among her multiple awards is being named Sagamore of the Wabash the highest honor bestowed by the Governor of Indiana in recognition of her leadership and service. Katherine was a convener of the ILA Applied Leadership global learning community and served as ILA Board Vice-Chair and Chair. She was recently names ILA Board member Emerita.

Angela Carr Klitzsch

Angela Carr Klitzsch (Discussant), is CEO of Women4Change.  Carr Klitzsch is a successful executive leader and civil servant with more than 20 years experience building consensus and engaging in collective impact efforts focused on community, workforce and economic development.  Read her most recent Op-Ed, “Malala Day Puts Focus on Women and Children.”

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As president & CEO of EmployIndy, she developed the workforce development board’s first strategic plan and brought to market new, innovative and collaborative solutions to address systemic barriers to long-term talent development. Growing from $14M to $43M in revenues over six years, Angela identified gaps in programs, policies and partnerships and developed several new initiatives as a way to provide value-add to the community including Talent Bound, Modern Youth Apprenticeship, Job Ready Indy, Project Indy, YES Indy, Indy Achieves, Good Wages Initiative and the Rapid Re-employment Response (RRR)/Talent Network.

Prior to Angela’s appointment in 2016 by Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett, she was Vice-President of Global Philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and oversaw local corporate giving, community engagement and civic outreach for Indiana, Kentucky and West Virginia. Angela also worked for the Central Indiana Community Foundation, designing and executing on a $20 million Family Success community leadership program. Additional experience includes working for a family foundation, The Clowes Fund, Inc.; Callahan & Associates in Washington, D.C.; and serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Republic of Moldova.

Angela has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and history from The University of Notre Dame, and an MPA in Nonprofit Management and MA in Philanthropic Studies from Indiana University. She currently serves on the School of Public and Environmental Affairs Distinguished Alumni Council and the board of RecycleForce.

Mark Gerzon

Mark Gerzon, president and founder of Mediators Foundation, has specialized in leadership that bridges divides. He is currently building a multi-organizational network of “local democracy hubs” in the USA to revitalize and strengthen cross-partisan civic leadership.  He is the author of key books in the field of conflict transformation, including A House Divided (1996), Leading Through Conflict (2006) and Global Citizens (2010). His concern about the increasing polarization in America led him to devote the past three decades to working on the ideological frontier between Left and Right, including his most recent book, The Reunited Stated of America

Complete Bio

“Mark Gerzon, president and founder of Mediators Foundation, has specialized in leadership that bridges divides. He is currently building a multi-organizational network of “local democracy hubs” in the USA to revitalize and stengthen cross-partisan civic leadership.

As an experienced facilitator in high-conflict zones, he has advised a wide variety of organizations including the US Congress, national governments in Africa and Asia, and the United Nations Development Program. He is also the author of key books in the field of conflict transformation, including A House Divided (1996), Leading Through Conflict (2006) and Global Citizens (2010).

His concern about the increasing polarization in America led him to devote the past three decades to working on the ideological frontier between Left and Right. He co-designed and served as the head facilitator for the US Bipartisan Congressional Retreats in the late 1990s, and has spent the following years participating in a wide variety of efforts to deepen dialogue across the political spectrum. This work led to his most recent book The Reunited States of America (2016) which inspired the film The Reunited States (playing on Amazon Prime).

Mark lives with his wife Melissa Michaels in Boulder, Colorado, and has three sons and eight grandchildren.

To hear Mark speak, check out his TedTalk in Vail and TedTalk in Saltillo, Mexico.

Mike Hardy

Dr. Mike Hardy, OBE,  (Discussant), is Professor and Executive Director of the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations at Coventry University and Board Chair for the International Leadership Association. Hardy has worked with the UK Government and European Commission as well as the British Council where he was a senior leader responsible for the global program for Intercultural Dialogue, youth engagement, and global strategic partnerships. He recently co-authored a report for the British Academy’s Cohesive Societies program which asks: “How can societies remain cohesive in the face of rapid political, social, economic and technological change?”

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