Fredric M. Jablin Doctoral Dissertation Award
The ILA is pleased to partner with the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond on the Fredric M. Jablin Doctoral Dissertation Award.
This award is given annually to a scholar whose doctoral dissertation research, while on any topic and from any discipline, demonstrates substantial insights and implications for the study of leadership. The award was established to honor and celebrate the life of Dr. Fredric M. Jablin (1952-2004), Leadership Studies Professor and E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Chair at the University of Richmond.

2023 call for submissions and applications coming soon!
Details on the 2025 Jablin Award Submission Process Will Be Available in Early 2025.
The information below is provided as an “in general” snapshot of the award and is subject to change. Check back for details once the 2025 award submission process has been announced.
Award Snapshot
The Jablin Award is presented at ILA’s Global Conference each year. The recipient is honored during an award ceremony and invited to present their dissertation research during a concurrent session.
Typically, the recipient of the award will also receive the following:
- 1,000 cash prize
- One-year membership to the ILA
- Conference registration
- Travel expenses to the conference
- This competition is open to any individual who successfully defended their doctoral dissertation within the last two years.
- Submissions can be on any topic and from any discipline, as long as they demonstrate substantial insights and implications for the study of leadership.
Submission Instructions
Interested parties should:
1. Complete an online application.
2. Then, email the following 4 items as separate PDFs:
- a letter of interest
- a three- to five-page abstract of a substantive dissertation chapter (specifically, the chapter that best represents the author’s dissertation)
- a brief biography
- verification of when they received their Ph.D. (e.g., a transcript or letter from the dissertation advisor will suffice)
Please DO NOT send the dissertation. The award committee will contact finalists to request a full dissertation chapter.
The Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond is the nation’s first undergraduate school of leadership studies. It endeavors to further scholarship and educate students and others for and about leadership through curricula, events, and programs. The International Leadership Association is the global network for all those who practice, study, and teach leadership. Founded in 1999, the ILA promotes a deeper understanding of leadership knowledge and practices for the greater good of individuals and communities worldwide.
Past Winners of the Fredric M. Jablin Doctoral Dissertation Award

Michael Goldfien
Essays on Leadership, Domestic Politics, and Diplomacy

Kunkanit Sutamchai
The influence of mindfulness on ethical leadership: A study of Buddhist mindfulness practices among organizational leaders in Thailand

Michael Promisel
Paragons of Prudence: Political Leadership in Classical Political Thought

Philip O’Donnell
Entrepreneurship, Identity, and their Overlap in the Slum: An Ethnographic Study of the Mukuru Slum in Nairobi, Kenya

Catherine M. Faherty
Bound by Blood in the Family Firm? Examining the Effects of Trusting and Feeling Trusted in the Family Firm Top Management Team

Nicole Capriel Ferry,
There’s a Leader in You! A Critical Mapping of Leadership Discourse in the American University

Uzay Dural
Exposure-Induced Malleability of Implicit Prejudice toward Female Leadership: A Quasi-Experiment Following Municipality Elections

G. James Lemoine
Closing the Leadership Circle: Building and Testing a Contingent Theory of Servant Leadership

Danielle L. Lupton
Leaders, Perceptions, and Reputations for Resolve

Suze Wilson
Thinking Differently About Leadership: A Critical History of the Form and Formation of Leadership Studies

Ethan Bernstein
Does Privacy Make Groups Productive?

Jack Barentsen
Emerging Leadership in the Pauline Mission: A Social Identity Perspective on Local Leadership Development in Corinth and Ephesus
Mark A. Menaldo
Putting Statesmanship Back Into Statecraft: The Role of Transformative Ambition in International Relations
YoungHee (Sylvia) Hur
Optimizing Managerial Effectiveness Through Emotional Intelligence
Kathie Pelletier
The Effects of Favored Status and Identification with Victim on Perceptions of and Reactions to Leader Toxicity
Rita Palrecha
The Transformational Leader Model, the Nurturant-Task Leader Model, and the Unique Local Leadership Model: A Quantitative and Qualitative Competitive Test of Three Leadership Models in India
2008 Runner Up
Manuel (Manny) Teodoro
Bureaucratic Ambition: Professional Careers, Personal Motives and Policy Innovation
Steve Olson
The Ethics of Leadership: Construction of an Analytical Framework, with Application to Ken Blanchard’s Theories of Situational and Servant Leadership
2007 Honorable Mention
Richard D. Berry
Discovering the Missing Link of Emotion in Leadership: A Case Study of Affect Valence and Emerging Leadership
2007 Honorable Mention
Frederic J.A. Damen
Taking the Lead: The Role of Affect in Leadership Effectiveness
D. Michael Lindsay
Faith in the Corridors of Power
Ross J. Corbett
Locke and the Problem of Crisis Leadership
2005 Honorable Mention
Marie Dasborough
Follower Emotional Responses to Attributions of Leadership
2005 Honorable Mention
Suzanne Stigler Martin
Toward a Theory of Invisible Leadership
Benjamin Kleinerman
The Place of Executive Power in the American Constitutional Republic
Christelle LaPolice
Leader Behaviors, Employee Attitudes, and Organizational Characteristics as Moderators
Felicia Mainella
The Role of Moral Reasoning in Transformation Leadership: The Relationship Between College Student Leaders’ Self-Perceived Leadership Behaviors and Level of Moral Reasoning
Joseph Crespino
Strategic Accommodation: Civil Rights Opponents in Mississippi and Their Impact on America Racial Politics, 1953-1972
Toby Vitek
Leadership Behavior and Managerial Success: A Test of Three Theories
Albert H. Fein
There and Back Again: A Phenomenological Inquiry of School Shootings as Experienced by School Leaders
Rebecca Todd Peters
In Search of the Good Life: A Feminist Critical Theo-Ethical Reading of the Globalization Debates
Andrea Grove
Leadership and Nationalist Mobilization: Investigating the Linkage Between Strategies and Context
Rita Tekippe
Procession, Piety, and Politics: Three Medieval Rheno-Mosan Reliquary Shrines and the Cult Communities for Bishop-Saints Servatius of Maastricht, Eleutherius of Tournai, and Remaclus of Stavelot
Matthew Trachman
Rethinking Leadership: Presidential Leadership and the ‘Spirit of the Game’ of Democracy
Olga Epitropaki
From Ideal Leaders to Actual Managers: A Longitudinal Investigation of Implicit Leadership Theories, Leader-Member Exchanges, Transformational Leadership and Employee Outcomes
Andrew Lewis
Wandering in Two Worlds: Race, Citizenship, and Education in Virginia Since 1945
Brian Palmer
Wolves at the Door: Existential Solidarity in a Globalizing Sweden