
The ILA partners with ILA Member Maureen Metcalf on a series of global leadership episodes each year within the Innovating Leadership: Co-Creating Our Future podcast.

ILA’s official podcast is Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders, which offers a smart, fast-paced discussion on all things leadership. Host Scott Allen and his expert guests cover timely, relevant topics and incorporate practical tips designed to help you make a difference in how you lead and live. We also partner with ILA Members Lauren Bullock and Dan Jenkins to feature the work of ILA members on a series of episodes within the Leadership Educator Podcast.

Innovating Leadership Co-Creating Our Future

Creating Mindful Organizations

How do we create organizations that promote mindfulness and joy during work? Subanhu talks about how to build mindfulness in organizations. Michelle talks about how she demonstrates authenticity as a leader, a CEO, and a mother.

How Do We Work And Live With Purpose and Compassion?

In the context of the changes we anticipate in the coming years from population growth in Africa to climate incidents to block chain, what is required of leaders now in this era. There is nothing we can do to protect ourselves if we are not protecting each other globally.

Maximizing Profit and Social Impact Concurrently – A Case Study

Business is a social institution. Can we maximize value for the firm and at the same time create value for society? How is shareholder value maximization aligned with or in conflict with social good. Mike gives examples of how he drives both profit and social impact. This includes: 1. Appreciative inquiry summit 2. Partnering with Autistic organization to hire adults with autism to fill routine jobs 3. Hiring interns to fill roles and providing education How have you created buy-in for novel processes? 1. Use tools like appreciative inquiry to create alignment, involvement, and commitment across the entire organization 2. Establish processes for inclusion of staff and clients and at the same time ensure leaders retain positive control and accountability for results

Leaders Building On Moral Purpose to Create A Just World

Jorrit talks about the leadership journey Deloitte is creating for people from entering the firm through their retirement. The second speaker in this interview is George Papandreou, Former Prime Minister of Greece. He talks about his leadership journey in democracy.

Buried in an Avalanche: Finding Deeper Purpose in Failure

This discussion is intended to help listeners come to know the deeper purpose of adversity or failure. In some ways to help dissolve judgement and move forward with new ways of seeing difficult events. Ken will share what he learned from being buried in an avalanche and the process he went through to find this deeper purpose.

Emerging Leaders Changing The World

This show focuses on the impact both women have made in their countries and internationally. They discuss their leadership journeys, both coming from humble backgrounds.

The End of Leadership Meets the Evolution of Leadership

As part of the International Leadership Association (ILA) series, Barbara Kellerman, recently awarded the ILA’s lifetime achievement award, will discuss her thoughts on the end of leadership as well as her point of view about followers, leaders and contexts given our current environment.

Leadership Evolution: Theory and Practice In Action

Gill and Jorrit discuss how organizations and researchers combine theory and practice to teach leadership to university students and career professionals. They talk about need for ongoing curiosity and learning at every stage of professional life.

Multicultural Leadership

As part of the International Leadership Association series, Juana talks about the eight leadership principles that set the foundation for cross-cultural leadership.