
The ILA partners with ILA Member Maureen Metcalf on a series of global leadership episodes each year within the Innovating Leadership: Co-Creating Our Future podcast.

ILA’s official podcast is Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders, which offers a smart, fast-paced discussion on all things leadership. Host Scott Allen and his expert guests cover timely, relevant topics and incorporate practical tips designed to help you make a difference in how you lead and live. We also partner with ILA Members Lauren Bullock and Dan Jenkins to feature the work of ILA members on a series of episodes within the Leadership Educator Podcast.

Innovating Leadership Co-Creating Our Future

Why International Leadership Matters Now…

Cynthia created a global conference designed to deeply engage individuals and groups and fundamentally evolve the science and practice of leadership and build a global community of innovation and collaboration. Ajay shares his insights about the need to create mutually beneficial exchanges between countries, particularly in terms of migration.

Global Leadership – Insights and Recommendations

We are at a fulcrum point in our history and in this unique time – we need effective global leadership. During this discussion we will discuss leadership from global and local perspective and explore the international leadership association and its contribution to the research and practice of international leadership.

Leadership 2050

This is our inaugural show we will be talking to Susan Cannon and Mike Morrow-Fox. Our topic is Leadership 2050.