ILA Webinars

Leadership Perspectives is a series of live, interactive webinars that support our mission and the work of our members.  ILA members receive free access to all Leadership Perspectives webinars —live and on demand. 

ILA members enjoy free access to all leadership perspectives webinars. Not a member? No problem. Register for only $9.95 per webinar.

Most of our webinars are offered at two different times to make it easy for our global membership to participate live!


Upcoming Webinars

Image with Book Cover of To Stop a Tyrant and author Ira Chaleff.

To Stop a Tyrant: Political Followers & Leaders

Live Webinar 21 August. Choose from 12pm or 8pm EDT (UTC-4). Renowned Followership guru Ira Chaleff deconstructs the relationship of political followers and leaders and demonstrates how followers, regardless of their distance or proximity to the leader, can help interrupt the progression of political leader to dictator or tyrant.

Learn More & Register »

Webinar Library

Weren’t able to join us for one of our webinars? Within 48 hours of the event, the ILA posts complete recordings and presentation materials of all of its webinars to its Webinar Archive. ILA members enjoy free access as a benefit of membership.