Presenters: Larry Roper and Laura Osteen
Date: 13 November 2019
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Over the past years, there has been an increase in the number of incidents of intolerance, bigotry, emotional, psychological violence, and physical violence in communities and on campuses. Because of this increase in disruptive incidents, leaders are presented with the responsibility to respond to acts of intolerance, and challenged to navigate their communities through the range of emotions that come with members being targeted by and exposed to incidents that are painful, fear-inducing, and injurious. Whether the incidents occur in the classroom or other places, community members expect that the social justice commitment of the campus will be evident in the institutional response.
This webinar will offer an opportunity to explore issues associated with navigating through the human, professional, community, and ethical dimensions developing appropriate institutional responses. Leaders will have the opportunity to consider the leadership frame they bring to incident response, their approach to defining issues, and gain perspectives on how to respond to perpetrators and targets of incidents.
Speaker Information

Larry Roper is a Professor in the School of Language, Culture and Society at Oregon State University, where he coordinates the Undergraduate Social Justice minor and the College Student Services Administration graduate program. Previously he served as Vice Provost for Student Affairs at Oregon State University from 1995-2014. He also served during the 2016-17 academic year as Interim Director of the School of Language and from July 2007- September 2008 as Interim Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. He has degrees from Heidelberg University, Bowling Green State University, and the University of Maryland. He has held numerous positions in student affairs, including Director of Housing; Associate Dean of Students; and Coordinator of Multicultural Affairs. Larry currently serves as a Commissioner with the State of Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission. Larry has more than 60 publications in the form of book chapters, journal articles, magazine articles, book reviews and monographs. He has also served on more than 75 thesis or dissertation committees, having chaired more than 40. He is editor of the monograph, Supporting and Supervising Mid-Level Professionals: Charting a Path to Success (2011) and co-editor of, Angst and Hope: Current Issues in Student Affairs Leadership (2016).

Laura Osteen is the Assistant Vice President, Campus Life at Tulane University. Prior to this appointment, Laura was the director of Florida State University’s Center for Leadership and Social Change, a campus-wide endeavor to transform lives through leadership education, identity development, and community engagement. Before coming to FSU, Laura worked with leadership, community, diversity, and experiential learning programs in student and academic affairs positions on the campuses of Kansas State University, University of Maryland, University of Missouri, and Stephens College. Laura envisions a world where everyone is enabled and empowered to create positive sustainable change. She is co-author of Cultivating Leader Identity and Capacity in Students from Diverse Backgrounds (ASHE, 2013), co-editor of Developing Students’ Leadership Capacity (Jossey-Bass, 2012), and a member of the Leadership Identity Development research team. Laura received her doctorate of philosophy degree from the University of Maryland, master’s degree from Colorado State University, and her undergraduate degree from Indiana University.
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