The name evokes those spaces and boundaries where our work reaches out and touches another’s — where theory and practice meet, shake hands, and learn from one another. It honors the fact that the ILA’s membership includes people located in many, and often multiple, independent systems who all Interface in the ILA around their commitment to advance leadership knowledge and practice for a better world. Interface shares articles highlighting association news and work being done by other ILA members.

In addition to author interviews, reports from the field, and member spotlights, the newsletter regularly features the following columns, edited by members:
- Exploring Leadership (video blog);
- PAUSE for Pedagogy (article and video interview);
- Grassroots Leadership & the Arts for Social Change (article & radio show); and
- Global & Culturally Diverse Leadership in the 21st, Century (article).
View a Selection of Recent Articles

The Year Was 2020
In this Grassroots Leadership & the Arts for Social Change Corner, Rad Pereira and Jan Cohen-Cruz discuss socially engaged performance in the context of the pandemic, Black Lives Matter, and the attempted U.S. coup of January 2021. Corner editor Susan J. Erenrich provides an introduction to the piece.

Exploring Leadership With Rasmus Hougaard
Kathryn Goldman Schuyler interviews Rasmus Hougaard, founder and CEO of Potential Project, a global consulting firm emphasizing how simple mindfulness practice combined with an attitude of compassion helps leaders do hard things in a human way.

Wake Up – The War Has Started: Russia’s Devastating War in Ukraine: The View From a Humble Woman Leader
ILA Board Member Joanne Barnes interviews her friend Valentyna on her harrowing journey to escape Ukraine after Russia’s invasion on February 24th. It’s an on the ground perspective of the quiet leadership being undertaken by Ukrainian women and girls to support their communities.

Academic Colloquium Advances Women’s Leadership From Intent to Action
In this wrap-up article, discover the work of ILA’s Women and Leadership member community, words of wisdom from this year’s Women and Leadership keynote speakers, and the creation of eight teams of researchers moving from intent to action.

In Memoriam of Gamaliel “Gama” Perruci
ILA member Robert M. McManus remembers ILA emeritus board member Gamaliel “Gama” Perruci.

Leading the Difficult Time With Care, Compassion, and a New Vision
How can we be more prepared for the challenges a VUCA world holds in store? How do we hold safe space for ourselves, for our neighbors, families, colleagues, and students as we go through challenging times? Azadeh Davari shares how she became a Leadership Solution Facilitator at the Center for Creative Leadership and reflects on leadership lessons learned during the past year.

Race Against Time
In this month’s Grassroots Leadership & the Arts for Social Change Corner, investigative reporter and MacArthur “Genius Grant” award-winner Jerry Mitchell shares memories from his book, Race Against Time: A Reporter Reopens the Unsolved Murder Cases of the Civil Rights Era. Jerry documents his decades-long pursuit of justice in this article with introduction by column editor Susan Erenrich.

The Power of Leadership Narrative Intelligence
The theme of this year’s ILA global conference calls us to Reimagine Leadership Together. For Carol Pearson, this is also a call to reimagine one’s own leadership. In this article, based on her book What Stories Are You Living, she discusses how a psychodynamic approach can encourage us to reflect and then act from the inside out.

Intersections – ILA’s Member Portal Is Expanding
Attention! ILA Member Communities are launching their own online Intersections Hubs to better serve the targeted needs of their specific constituency. Learn more about this initiative and the benefits to ILA members!

Followership Changed My Life
Marc Hurwitz discusses followership – an idea that “quite literally changed my life,” finding kindred spirits in ILA’s Followership member community and the role he’ll play at the upcoming Leadership Education Academy.

Leadership Education Academy Goes Digital
Meet Linnette Werner and Corey Seemiller, two of the facilitators for this year’s 2021 Leadership Education Virtual Academy. Discover the history of the academy and how it all grew out of a conversation at Sloopy’s Diner in Ohio back in 2012!

What We Do Echoes Through Generations In Celebration of Larraine Matusak’s Many Accomplishments
Larraine Matsak, one of the founders of the field of leadership and of the ILA, passed away on 26 March 2021. Larraine has left a legacy far beyond all of us that will echo through generations and decades to come. Learn more about the role Larraine played and some of the lives she touched.