by Dr. Carol S. Pearson
30 June 2021
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The theme of this year’s ILA global conference calls us to Reimagine Leadership Together. For Carol Pearson, this is also a call to reimagine one’s own leadership. In this article, based on her book What Stories Are You Living, she discusses how a psychodynamic approach can encourage us to reflect and then act from the inside out.
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Dr. Carol S. Pearson served most recently as President of Pacifica Graduate Institute. Previously, she was Professor of Leadership Studies in the School of Public Policy and the Director of the James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership at the University of Maryland. She is the author or co-author of The Hero Within, Awakening the Heroes Within, The Hero and the Outlaw (on branding), Mapping the Organizational Psyche, Persephone Rising, the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator®, and, most recently, What Stories are You Living — written to further narrative intelligence (NQ), authenticity, situational flexibility, and cognitive complexity. Learn more at: www.carolspearson.com/.