Member Communities

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Sustainability Leadership

The Sustainability Leadership Member Group serves as a connection point for ILA members and partners who are interested in embedding sustainability into their lives and leadership. We recognize the deep and interconnected social and environmental challenges that pervade our world, and we seek to find avenues in which we as leadership scholars, educators, and practitioners can address those challenges. We believe that we can no longer ignore the many signals calling for leadership aimed at making the world a better and more habitable place for all forms of life. We aim for the transformation of the field and practice of leadership to include sustainability in all its dimensions as a fundamental aim and goal of  ‘good leadership.’

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Member Community Leaders

ILA Member Community leaders serve as ILA’s trusted experts in the field of leadership

Kate Sheridan

Kate Sheridan


Chatham University

Bill Smedick

Bill Smedick


headshot of Kathleen Allen

Kathleen Allen


President, Allen and Associates

Bio Here

bio 2

bio 3

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Priorities and Projects

Build Partnerships

Building partnerships internal and external to ILA

Scholarship & Publishing

Developing and pursuing scholarship and publishing opportunities

Sustainability Practices

Integrating sustainability practices and principles into 1) ILA structure and culture, and 2) leadership education and development

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Presenter & Attendee Opportunities

ILA’s member communities make up the foundation of ILA’s Global Conference topic focused streams.  Submit your session proposal and attend this premier conference.  

Engage in Vibrant Discussions

Navigate ILA Intersections, an exclusive online member resource. Engage in vibrant discussions with like-minded leaders, access members-only resources and ILA’s online member directory.


Our activities and programs are organized by our dedicated team of member volunteers. If you would like to deepen your engagement, please email us about volunteer opportunities at


The ILA offers a wide variety of leadership resources to help you elevate your leadership research and practice.

Environmentally Sustainable Leadership: Past, Present, and Future Dr. Benjamin Redekop

Environmentally Sustainable Leadership: Past, Present, and Future

Benjamin Redekop shares a comprehensive overview of the rise and evolution of environmentally sustainable leadership, providing a foundation for understanding the challenges, dilemmas, and opportunities for environmentally sustainable leadership today. He’ll also share how to use his new book in the classroom. The webinar is moderated by Joanna Stanberry

Photo of dried up lake bed with a person crouching before the remaining shoreline.

Leadership: A Threat or Solution to Securing a Better Future?

Too often scientists and activists lead the way in advocating change, not the political and corporate leaders who actually have the power and authority to effect change. What role, though, does the leadership industry play in challenging leaders to address political, social, and economic systems that are inequitable and unsustainable?

Phronesis Practical Wisdom for Leaders Podcast - Episode 224 - Dr. Kathleen Allen and Rian Satterwhite - Leadership for Regenerative Futures. The official Podcast of the International Leadership Association

Leadership for Regenerative Futures

Dr. Kathy Allen and Rian Satterwhite join Scott to discuss the evolving concepts of sustainable, regenerative leadership and the context for all leadership practices – the global biosphere we all reside in.