
The ILA partners with ILA Member Maureen Metcalf on a series of global leadership episodes each year within the Innovating Leadership: Co-Creating Our Future podcast.

ILA’s official podcast is Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders, which offers a smart, fast-paced discussion on all things leadership. Host Scott Allen and his expert guests cover timely, relevant topics and incorporate practical tips designed to help you make a difference in how you lead and live. We also partner with ILA Members Lauren Bullock and Dan Jenkins to feature the work of ILA members on a series of episodes within the Leadership Educator Podcast.

Innovating Leadership Co-Creating Our Future

You Are Enough, You Are Worthy: Leadership Lessons for Women

Betsy Myers discusses Head and Heart Leadership, a new way of practicing leadership that fuses data-driven strategies with qualities such as warmth and compassion. Head and Heart leadership increases loyalty, retention, individual drive, and results.

Leading with Care and Purpose

Raj Sisodia and Sudhanshu Palsule explore the power of conscious leadership through the conscious capitalism movement and leading with purpose.

Courageous Followership

Ira Chaleff and Neil Grunberg join Maureen to discuss the role of leadership and followership. Both are essential for a healthy organization and we each need know when to play each role.

Growing Up Biden: Family Lessons on Leadership

Valerie Biden Owens, presidential campaign manager and sister to U.S. President Joe Biden, discusses her book Growing Up Biden. She shares challenges she faced breaking gender barriers and dives into the ingrained lessons and expectations – the guiding principles – of her close-knit, Irish American, Catholic family.

The Bonobo Sisterhood: Ape Society’s Lessons for Your Leadership

From subtle misogyny to outright violent abuse, women continue to experience discrimination in patriarchal societies. But bonobos, with whom we share 98.7% of our DNA, enjoy a more equal society. Guest Diane Rosenfeld tells us there’s a lot our political and corporate leaders can learn from bonobo society.

Leadership Solving Food Insecurity

Leah Lizarondo saw massive food insecurity and believed food waste recovery was a solution, so she founded 412 Food Rescue to do just that.

Getting Lost in the Language of Leadership

Research show we literally think with our hearts as well as our minds. Neurocardiology is just one way we’re learning about how a good leader thinks. Jonathan Reams discusses the robust thinking skills vital to effective leadership.

Workforce Demographics and an Inclusive Culture

Nadia Younes (The Center for Global Inclusion), Gamiel Yafai (Diversity Marketplace Limited), and Louise Carvalho (Cern) join Maureen to discuss how organizations need to adapt to an inclusive culture and measure the impact of inclusive leadership on people, the planet and profits.

ShEquity: A Refugee’s Path to Empowering Women & Their Businesses

Pauline Koelbl, AfriProspect GmbH’s Founder and CEO and ShEquity’s Founder and Managing Partner, joins Maureen to share ShEquity’s vision to close the gender funding gap in Africa by providing smart investment to female-led and owned businesses that aim for triple bottom line: financial, social and environmental return.