- 7 October 2022
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Book Buzz from The International Leadership Association 2022 Global Conference. Joseph L. Curtin discusses his book Leadership: 700 Definitions and Ways to Lead.
Leadership is a state of being emulated or agreed with by another. A state is existence at a point in time. Consciously or unconsciously, another decides to follow or not follow. Following creates and maintains the state of leadership until the follower terminates the state. The individual or group attempting to lead does not create, co-create or maintain the state of leadership, but can take action and communicate words or representations believed likely of emulation or agreement by others. One follows to survive and accomplish goals of the follower ― not the leader. Change and mutual purposes are not necessary.
Joseph L. Curtin is Online Leadership Theory Lecturer in the College of Professional Studies at Northeastern University and the Owner of Joseph L. Curtin Leadership Development.