public leadership

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Listen to The Music!

David Collinson examines the intersections, tensions, and controversies between music, leadership, and politics. After considering examples of political leaders promoting and censoring music, he explores how music is used in campaigns as well as how and why certain musicians have protested in response.

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Overcoming an Addiction to Leadership­­­

Lucie Hartley and ILA Fellow Richard Bolden explore the consequences of an addiction to leadership. Drawing on examples from drug and alcohol services, they illustrate how recovery techniques may help overcome a dependence on heroic and narcissistic leaders and foster more inclusive and compassionate forms of leadership practice.

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Leadership: A Threat or Solution to Securing a Better Future?

Too often scientists and activists lead the way in advocating change, not the political and corporate leaders who actually have the power and authority to effect change. What role, though, does the leadership industry play in challenging leaders to address political, social, and economic systems that are inequitable and unsustainable?

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Ignite Your Flame of Activated Hope

Leaders who are catalysts inhabit the radical place between the present and the future as they apply activated hope to ignite powerful change in their organizations, communities, and themselves. ILA Fellow Professor Chellie Spiller shares 8 key insights leaders need to strike the match of potential.

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The Catalyst’s Way

Ignite powerful change in your organizations, communities, and yourself. In this blog, ILA Fellow Chellie Spiller discusses her new book, The Catalyst’s Way – A Handbook for People Who Want to Change the World, based on her time as Leader in Residence at the Atlantic Institute and the extraordinary leadership exemplified by its fellows. Download the free eBook and its companion guide (links in blog).

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Barbara Kellerman on Followership

Barbara Kellerman shares her latest thinking on followership as she reflects on contemporary global issues. Read her most recent article from 3 July 2023 along with reprints of two additional articles from 2023.

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Barbara Kellerman on Women & Leadership

ILA Lifetime Achievement Award Winner, Dr. Barbara Kellerman, shares some of her latest thinking on women and leadership by reflecting on Ursula von der Leyen’s leadership of the European Commission and on the neuroscience of pregnancy.

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