PAUSE for Pedagogy Archive
A regular column in ILA’s Interface newsletter, PAUSE for Pedagogy aims to connect leadership education theory to practice and seeks to take lessons learned in the classroom to expand our theoretical knowledge of teaching and learning and add tools to the readers’ pedagogical toolboxes. Written for both the experienced educator and those new to the profession, most columns are accompanied by a video interview with the author exploring the ideas raised in the article in more detail.
Reflective Insights, Ethics, & Critical Thinking: A ChatGPT Experiment in Leadership Education
Students are using ChatBots. How can we guide their use in thoughtful ways with self-awareness and engaged critical thinking? In this PAUSE for Pedagogy, Dan Jenkins shares his experience and the strategies and exercises he utilized teaching leadership Master’s students engaged in a semester-long project, “Navigating Artificial Intelligence in Leadership & Organizations.”
Navigating a Landscape of Practice
In this PAUSE for Pedagogy, Nathan Eva and Kerry Priest discuss leadership education as a landscape of practice and share an exercise on peer coaching that they utilize at ILA’s Leadership Education Academy.
A Heart Surgeon’s Journey
Christopher C. Phillips, a cardiovascular & thoracic surgeon and certified physician executive, discusses his leadership journey from a medical student who did not “appreciate the need to develop and sustain leadership competencies” to someone who embraced servant leadership and followership to lead a rural community hospital to national recognition as a top cardiovascular program.
Design Based Education for Social Leadership Development
In this PAUSE for Pedagogy, Lina Klemkaite discusses social leadership and the role of design-based education in supporting its development. The article delves into the INSPIRE: Social Leadership and Innovation Curriculum, launched in 2019 in collaboration with universities and organizations in the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, and Greece, and shares insights from pilot sessions of the program.
“Leadership and …” Editors Reflect on the 2020 PAUSE for Pedagogy Series
It was perhaps prophetic, but certainly fitting, that the theme for our 2020 PAUSE for Pedagogy series was “Leadership and ….”
Leadership and Delegation: Lessons From Michael Scott
In this PAUSE for Pedagogy, Martinella Dryburgh discusses how she uses an episode of the popular TV show The Office to discuss delegation with students.
Leadership and Professional Development: Applying and Facilitating Personal Growth Through Diverse Experiences
In this PAUSE for Pedagogy article, Jay Rojas discusses professional development of leadership educators.
Gamenamic Leadership: How Game Design Can Level-Up Leadership Pedagogy
Using phenomenological framework of leadership that applies development and creativity through gaming, games can serve as concrete play experiences that enable learning and development for players and researchers alike.
Mentoring Students in High-Stakes Roles
In this PAUSE for Pedagogy article, Lauren Edelman and Michael Gleason discuss the Leadership Challenge Event™, a unique student-led leadership simulation and competition that has provided participating high school and college students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills.
Leadership and Podcasting in Pedagogy
Lauren Bullock (co-host with Dan Jenkins of The Leadership Educator podcast) discusses her assignment she used in an undergraduate leadership course which asked students to create their own podcast episodes.
Crisis Leadership Education and Exploration
In this PAUSE for Pedagogy column, Ralph Gigliotti discusses how to teach crisis leadership to both undergraduates and to administrators in higher education.