The ILA partners with ILA Member Maureen Metcalf on a series of global leadership episodes each year within the Innovating Leadership: Co-Creating Our Future podcast.
ILA’s official podcast is Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders, which offers a smart, fast-paced discussion on all things leadership. Host Scott Allen and his expert guests cover timely, relevant topics and incorporate practical tips designed to help you make a difference in how you lead and live. We also partner with ILA Members Lauren Bullock and Dan Jenkins to feature the work of ILA members on a series of episodes within the Leadership Educator Podcast.

The Accidental Peacemaker: How Philanthropist Steve Killelea Pursues Peace
Steve Killelea’s pillars for positive peace not only predict the economic fortunes of nations and the quality of people’s lives, but hold leadership mindsets we can all adapt to our own organizations.
Cultivating Cross-Cultural Leadership
Leading across cultures isn’t easy. Success means very different things depending on where you live. Bjørn Ekelund joins Maureen to look at cross-cultural leadership, including the differences in trust and followership between the U.S. and Norway.
To Stop a Tyrant: How Five Types of Followers Make (or Brake) a Toxic Leader
Tyrants can only rise with our help. And they aren’t limited to heads of state. Any leadership role can have tyrannical qualities. Ira Chaleff discusses five categories of followers who play a role in a tyrant’s rise and how they can change that course.
They’re Always Watching You
Betsy Myers (Leadership author, consultant, and former White House advisor) offers her insights into leadership with a focus on women and leadership, public service leadership, and her mentor Warren Bennis. She also reveals why she agreed to serve on ILA’s Board and how the leadership community at the ILA Global Conference recharges her each year.
Climate Change: Leaders in the Hot Seat
Former Canadian Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Kim Campbell, discusses the ways in which insurance companies, corporations, and individual leaders can move the needle on climate change initiatives.
Can You Hear Her Now?
Celina Caesar-Chavannes discusses her own personal journey with host Maureen from the halls of power as a member of Canada’s parliament to her current work exploring the intersection of equity and empathy.
Law & Order…& Leadership
Can law enforcement rise to the challenge of reforming policing with new styles of leadership? Rob Elkington and Les Sylven discuss policing challenges and offer some surprising solutions that any leader of a high-stress workforce will find extremely useful!
Leading the Court: Canada’s First Female Chief Justice
The Rt. Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Canada’s First Female Chief Justice and the 2023 ILA Distinguished Leadership Award Winner, joins Maureen to reflect on her leadership journey, effective decision making, and the willingness to change as new evidence emerges.
Nurturing Peace From the Ashes of Violence
Hyppolite Ntigurirwa shares his story of surviving the Rwandan genocide and turning his mind from vengeance to peace and reconciliation. ILA Board Chair Mike Hardy joins in to discuss his own work pointing leaders to peace and his friendship with Ntigurirwa.
International Leadership – One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Mansour Javidan has studied effective leadership in cultures across the globe. He shares the results of his research in this episode…especially the common qualities needed to be a great leader no matter where you are!
Boosting Workplace Well-Being
Cameron Stockdale, CEO of the Work Wellness Institute, discusses the 4-day workweek & other workplace wellness initiatives that boost productivity.
Sheba & ShEquity: Empowering Women-Owned Businesses
Pauline Koelbl discusses her work reshaping the future of women-owned businesses in Africa through the ShEquity investment fund.