Program cover for 4th Annual Women in Leadership Conference
Program cover for 4th Annual Women in Leadership Conference

What an amazing conference! 1440’s modern retreat center in the redwoods proved to be the perfect setting for reflection and revitalization.

From the opening keynote panel of women C-Suite leaders to the closing keynote from Caroline Kisia and everything in between — documentary film nights, 100+ presentations, and a reception featuring local wines and cheeses — this conference delivered distinctive opportunities for learning, discussion, networking, and renewal.

Explore the conference by clicking on the links on the right or scroll down to see the photos of what you missed!

Looking for the contact information for a presenter or newly met colleague? Log in to ILA Intersections and search the directory.

Read Parminder Vir’s Women And Leadership – Reflections On My Leadership Journey.

Conference Materials

Search the online conference module for papers (if applicable) and abstracts as well as handouts, and PowerPoints uploaded by presenters. Please note that not all presenters upload handouts or PowerPoints.

Conference Photos

We’ve added photos to our flickr stream from the conference!

What an amazing conference! From the pre- and post-conference deep dives to the 200+ workshops, presentations, and papers; from the orchestral performance to the dynamic plenaries, Authentic Leadership for Progress, Peace & Prosperity had something for everyone. This page of highlights and resources is for those who were able to attend and those who weren’t.

Looking for the contact information for a presenter or newly met colleague? Log in to ILA Intersections and search the directory.

To begin your exploration of the conference, please explore the links on the right or scroll down for photos and videos from the conference.

Conference Materials

Search the online conference module for papers (if applicable) and abstracts as well as handouts, and PowerPoints uploaded by presenters. Please note that not all presenters upload handouts or PowerPoints.

Conference Videos

Opening Plenary with Donna Ladkin, Jeri Muoio, and Katherine Tyler Scott
(Thursday 25 October, 2018)

Saturday Plenary with Michael Hardy, Veronika Anghel, Matt Qvortop,
and Mark Gerzon

(Friday 26 October, 2018)

Closing Plenary with Barbara Kellerman – Standards
(Saturday 27 October, 2018)

Conference Photos

We’ve added photos to our flickr stream from the conference!

ILA’s topical conferences provide an opportunity to create spaces for topic-specific leadership dialogue and discourse as well as pathways for new knowledge and innovative practice to be explored and new connections to be made. Read the conference wrap-up article and meet some of the ILA members whose curiosity, creativity, courage, and compassion bring to life the idea of bridging theory and practice to create a deeper understanding of leadership for the greater good

Conference Materials

Search the online conference module for papers (if applicable) and abstracts as well as handouts, and PowerPoints uploaded by presenters. Please note that not all presenters upload handouts or PowerPoints.

Conference Videos

Conference Photos

We’ve added photos to our flickr stream from the conference!

What an amazing conference! From the pre-conference deep dives to the 200+ workshops, presentations, and papers; from the taste of Brussels reception to the dynamic plenaries, Leadership in Turbulent Times had something for everyone. This page of highlights and resources is for those who were able to attend and those who weren’t.

Looking for the contact information for a presenter or newly met colleague? Log in to ILA Intersections and search the directory.

Conference Materials

Search the online conference module for papers (if applicable) and abstracts as well as handouts, and PowerPoints uploaded by presenters. Please note that not all presenters upload handouts or PowerPoints.

Cynthia Cherrey, Leadership in a Turbulent and Globalizing World

Read Maureen Metcalf’s article Leadership in Turbulent Times: What Are International Leaders Saying?

Conference Videos

Opening Plenary (Friday 13 October, 2017)

Cynthia Cherrey, ILA President & CEO; Stella Nkomo, 2017 ILA Lifetime Achievement Award Winner, Professor, Department of Human Resource Management, University of Pretoria; President, Africa Academy of Management; George A. Papandreou, Former Prime Minister of Greece (2009-2011); and Herman Van Rompuy, Prime Minister of Belgium (2008-2009), President of the European Council (2009-2014). Although Herman Van Rompuy originally spoke under the Chatham House Rule, he gave us permission to share this video publicly. 

Saturday Plenary (Saturday 14 October, 2017)

Katherine Tyler Scott, ILA Board Chair; Managing Partner, Ki ThoughtBridge; Robert Lord, 2017 ILA Lifetime Achievement Award Winner and Professor of Leadership, Durham Business School; and David H. Petraeus, General (Retired) U.S. Army; Director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (2011-2012)

Closing Plenary (Sunday 15 October, 2017)

Patrick Sweet, Conference Program Chair and Co-Director, Leadership Alliance for the Geneva Centre for Security Policy – Center for Creative Leadership; Margaret Heffernan, Lead Faculty, Forward Institute; Acclaimed author of Willful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril; and Jeroen van der Veer, Chief Executive of Royal Dutch Shell plc (2004-2009)

Conference Photos

We’ve added photos to our flickr stream from the conference!

Cover of 3rd Annual Women and Leadership Conference
Cover of 3rd Annual Women and Leadership Conference

What an amazing conference! The peaceful, rejuvenating, and rustic setting at the Omega Institute offered distinctive opportunities for learning, discussion, networking, reflection, and renewal. From the fireside chats to the 100+ presentations; from the wine and cheese event by the lake to the diverse plenaries. The conference had something for everyone. This page of highlights and resources is for those who were able to attend and those who weren’t.

Looking for the contact information for a presenter or newly met colleague? Log in to ILA Intersections and search the directory.

To begin your exploration of the conference, please explore the links on the right or scroll down for photos and videos from the conference.

Read Women Leaders engage at ILA conference in the Northern Dutchess News article (Published with permission).

Conference Materials

Search the online conference module for papers (if applicable) and abstracts as well as handouts, and PowerPoints uploaded by presenters. Please note that not all presenters upload handouts or PowerPoints.

Conference Videos

Sally Helgesen, “Tapping the Power of the Female Vision” (Monday 12 June, 2017)

Plenary Panel, “Women and Power: Cultivating Influence” (Tuesday 13 June, 2017)

Claudia de Castro Caldeirinha, Tuajuanda C. Jordan, Barbara Kellerman, and Susan Madsen (Moderator)

Conference Photos

We’ve added photos to our flickr stream from the conference!

Read the Power of Purpose Symposium. Does purpose impact stakeholder and shareholder value? white paper.

Read CEO’s and Thought Leaders Explore the Power of Purpose
Successful CEOs and HR Directors joined forces with globally-renowned leadership scholars to examine, at the nexus of theory and practice, the power of purpose.

Read Gillian Secrett’s article Organizational Purpose: Corporate Learning at the Nexus of Theory and Practice
Gillian Secrett, CEO of the Møller Centre, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, reports on a joint symposium with the ILA where leadership scholars, corporate CEOs, and HR directors worked at the nexus of theory and practice. As part of our Nexus series of articles, Secrett expands the boundaries of thinking on the subject and includes a summary of the symposium, a discussion of themes that emerged, how purpose affects various stakeholders, and next steps.

Read Georgia Sorenson’s article Leadership: Person or Purpose. Originally published in Global Focus Magazine.
Forget about romanticised and heroic leaders. Today’s leadership, says Georgia Sorenson, is all about purpose-led companies that are organised or branded around an idea.

Event Photos

What an amazing conference! From the pre- and post-conference deep dives to the 200+ workshops, presentations, and papers; from the opening march to and reception at the Center for Civil and Human Rights to the closing plenary by the former Prime Minister of Greece, The Dynamics of Inclusive Leadership had something for everyone. This page of highlights and resources is for those who were able to attend and those who weren’t.

Looking for the contact information for a presenter or newly met colleague? Log in to ILA Intersections and search the directory.

Conference Materials

Search the online conference module for papers (if applicable) and abstracts as well as handouts, and PowerPoints uploaded by presenters. Please note that not all presenters upload handouts or PowerPoints.

Cynthia Cherrey, The Melody and Cacophony of Global Leadership

Katherine Tyler Scott, Conference Weaving

Ira Chaleff, A Poem to Atlanta

Conference Podcasts

ILA was pleased to work with member Maureen Metcalf, host of Innovative Leaders Driving Thriving Organizations on VoiceAmerica’s Business Channel, to facilitate interviews with ILA Atlanta’s plenary speakers and lifetime achievement award recipients along with a selection of past and present board members and other institutional members or stakeholders of the association. This series of podcasts and accompanying blog posts have been airing from November 29, 2016 to January 31, 2017. All podcasts are available on demand or tune in Tuesdays at 11:00 Pacific Time.

Conference Videos

Conference Opening Parts 1 & 2 (WED. Nov. 2, 2016)

Cynthia Cherrey, ILA President & CEO; Janet Rechtman, 2016 Conference Chair; and Deborah Richardson, Executive Vice President, Center for Civil and Human Rights

Conference Plenary Parts 1-2 (TH. Nov. 3, 2016)

Cynthia Cherrey, ILA President & CEO; Gill Robinson Hickman, 2016 ILA Lifetime Achievement Award Winner and Professor Emerita, Jepson School of Leadership Studies; and Ajay Bramdeo, African Union Ambassador to the European Union 

Conference Plenary Parts 1-3 (FR. Nov. 4, 2016)

Ron Riggio, ILA Leadership Legacy Committee and Kravis Leadership Institute; Barbara Kellerman, 2016 ILA Lifetime Achievement Award Winner and James MacGregor Burns Lecturer in Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School; and Ronald Heifetz, King Hussein bin Talal Senior Lecturer in Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School

Conference Plenary Parts 1-3 (Sat. Nov. 5, 2016)

Elizabeth Stork, Chair of ILA’s Leadership Education Member Interest Group and Robert Morris University;
George A.Papandreou, Former Prime Minister of Greece (2009-2011); Ronald Heifetz, King Hussein bin Talal Senior Lecturer in Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School; Katherine Tyler Scott, ILA Board Chair and Ki ThoughtBridge; and Ira Chaleff, ILA Board Member and Executive Coaching & Consulting Associates

Conference Photos

We’ve added photos to our flickr stream from the conference!