Call for Reviewers

6th Women and Leadership Conference

Reflection and Rejuvenation: Inspiring Women Leaders
15 – 17 June 2022
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

6th ILA Women and Leadership Conference

Call for Peer Reviewers

The Call for Reviewers has closed. Thank you to all who volunteered! Reviewers have been selected and were notified of their review assignments on 14 January. Reviewer instructions can be found here. Reviews are due on 30 January.

The ILA and the 2022 Women and Leadership Conference Program Team seek proposal reviewers from a wide range of leadership backgrounds. Peer reviewers are invaluable in providing feedback on proposals that will inform the final selection of content for the conference.

Selected reviewers will:

  • Read and review a minimum of 10 abstracts for the stream in which they have volunteered.
  • Rate each proposal according to a set of evaluation criteria.
  • Provide comments to both the submitter and the program team for each proposal to support their decision.
  • Recommend accepting or rejecting each proposal.
  • Have 16 days to complete this process using ILA’s online proposal management platform (All Academic).

Email or call +1 (202) 470-4818 ext. 106.

Frequently Asked Questions

The review period is from 14 January to 30 January 2022. Selected reviewers will receive communications on 14 January with detailed instructions about how to review proposals in All Academic.

For the stream you volunteer for, you must be willing to read at least 10 proposals. Each proposal (except for Symposium) is comprised of a 100-word short description and a 500-1,000-word abstract. Symposium proposals will have 3-4 additional short descriptions and abstracts for each of the presentations to be given within the proposed symposium.

If selected, you will receive instructions that will guide you into the All Academic system to begin the volunteer work when the review period opens on 14 January. After reading all the assigned proposals, you will provide ratings based on seven evaluation criteria, as well as constructive comments, feedback, suggestions to the submitter, and reasons supporting your decision to the program team for each proposal. Finally, you will indicate whether you think each proposal should be accepted or rejected.

No, conference reviewers do not need to be members of ILA; however, the reviewer pool is selected first from ILA member volunteers. If more reviewers are needed, non-members will be considered. If you are not yet an ILA member, we invite you to consider joining.

No, we do not require that reviewers attend the conference.

Important Dates

  • 07 January 2022 – Call for Proposals closes.
  • 10 January 2022 – Deadline to volunteer to review.
  • 14 January 2022 – Selected reviewers advised via email that assignments are made and they may begin their work.
  • 14 to 30 January 2022 – Review period; reviews must be completed and submitted online during this time period.

Ready to Volunteer?

  1. Log in to ILA’s proposal management platform (All Academic) using your ILA username and password. If you do not remember your ILA credentials or do not have an ILA profile, please use the links in the “Can’t remember?” section.
  2. Once logged in, click on the “Volunteer to be a Reviewer” link on the Submitter Menu.
  3. Provide the required information:
    • Select your highest degree earned from the drop-down list.
    • Select the basis of your area of expertise from the drop-down list (Experience/Practice, Theory, or All of the Above).
    • Indicate if you are a current ILA member or not. The reviewer pool is selected first from ILA member volunteers. If more reviewers are needed, non-members will be considered. If you are not yet an ILA member, we invite you to consider joining.
    • Read and agree to the “Acknowledgement of Terms”:
      If selected as a reviewer, I understand that I will be assigned to review a minimum of 10 proposals for the stream in which I have volunteered. Furthermore, I agree to complete all review assignments by 30 January 2022.
    • Click “Accept and Continue”.
  4. Select the one stream for which you are willing and most qualified to review and, if possible, to which you have not submitted a proposal. Stream descriptions can be found here.
         Reflection and Rejuvenation: Inspiring Women Leaders
         Leadership Across Cultures and Contexts
         Advancing Leadership Development and Education Globally
         Helping Girls and Young Women Become Leaders
    • Click “Accept and Continue”.
  5. On the summary page, you can edit your stream choice, if needed. Then confirm/submit your volunteer form by clicking “Accept and Continue”.
  6. A confirmation screen will appear, and a confirmation email will be sent to the primary email address in your ILA profile. Thank you for volunteering!


Email or call +1 (202) 470-4818 ext. 106.