Member Communities

ILA members can manage their member community preferences anytime by clicking here.  Not a member? Join today! 

Trust & Leadership

Trust and Leadership is a global community dedicated to exploring the vital role of trust and leadership. Bringing together practitioners, trainers, coaches, scholars, and others, the group fosters collaboration and diverse perspectives to deepen understanding of how trust shapes leadership dynamics. Our mission is to advance the field by developing innovative theories and practical strategies that address the challenges of building and maintaining trust across various leadership contexts. Through meaningful discussions, webinars and collaborative events, the group aims to analyze the complexities of trust, and create effective solutions to strengthen trust in leadership worldwide.

Join Us on ILA Intersections

Navigate ILA Intersections, an exclusive online member resource. Connect with like-minded leaders, access members-only resources, ILA’s online member directory, and much more. 

Not a member? Explore ILA membership options and join today!

Member Community Leaders

ILA Member Community leaders serve as ILA’s trusted experts in the field of leadership

Steven de Waal

Steven de Waal


Chairman and Founder Public Space Foundation

Ted Baartmans

Ted Baartmans


CEO The Leadership Group

Kerissa Kuis

Kerissa Kuis


CEO, BRAVE Leadership School

Bio Here

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Contact Community Leaders at

Executive Leadership Team

Our activities and programs are organized by this dedicated team of member volunteers. If you would like to deepen your engagement, please use the email above to contact us about volunteer opportunities.

Maureen Kamoen
Office Manager, The Leadership Group

Chris Cartwright

Jonathan Reams
Chief Creative Officer, Center for Transformative Leadership

Juliane Reams
Researcher, European Center for Leadership Practice

Lara Dolenc
De Presentatie Groep

Priorities and Projects

Host Interactive Programs

Hosting interactive programs throughout the year on global leadership development

ILA Newsletter Insights

Contributing articles to the ILA Interface Newsletter

Cross-Sector Collaborations

Organizing multi-sector and international collaborations for conference sessions and annual networking luncheon

Global Leadership Hub

Building a repository of interdisciplinary global leadership development resources for consultants, coaches, practitioners, businesses, and scholars that includes rigorous research, best practices, and trends.

Get Involved

Presenter & Attendee Opportunities

ILA’s member communities make up the foundation of ILA’s Global Conference topic focused streams.  Submit your session proposal and attend this premier conference.  

Engage in Vibrant Discussions

Navigate ILA Intersections, an exclusive online member resource. Engage in vibrant discussions with like-minded leaders, access members-only resources and ILA’s online member directory.


Our activities and programs are organized by our dedicated team of member volunteers. If you would like to deepen your engagement, please email us about volunteer opportunities at


The ILA offers a wide variety of leadership resources to help you elevate your leadership research and practice.

Photo of dried up lake bed with a person crouching before the remaining shoreline.

Leadership: A Threat or Solution to Securing a Better Future?

Too often scientists and activists lead the way in advocating change, not the political and corporate leaders who actually have the power and authority to effect change. What role, though, does the leadership industry play in challenging leaders to address political, social, and economic systems that are inequitable and unsustainable?

Cultivating Cross Cultural Leadership Guest: Bjørn Ekelund Innovating Leadership Co-Creating Our Future with Maureen Metcalf

Cultivating Cross-Cultural Leadership

Leading across cultures isn’t easy. Success means very different things depending on where you live. Bjørn Ekelund joins Maureen to look at cross-cultural leadership, including the differences in trust and followership between the U.S. and Norway.