
ILA Members Lauren Bullock and Dan Jenkins partner with ILA to feature the work of ILA members on a series of episodes within the Leadership Educator Podcast.

ILA’s official podcast is Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders, which offers a smart, fast-paced discussion on all things leadership. Host Scott Allen and his expert guests cover timely, relevant topics and incorporate practical tips designed to help you make a difference in how you lead and live. We also partner with ILA Member Maureen Metcalf on a series of global leadership episodes each year within the Innovating Leadership: Co-Creating Our Future podcast.

Leadership Educator Podcast

Finding Your Cause

Dr. Vincent Ogutu, Vice-Chancellor Designate at Strathmore University in Nairobi, shares how his journey to teaching and researching workplace behavior started with a desire to help create future leaders and encourage young people to find a cause.

Teaching Leadership Graduate Courses

Dr. Kathy Guthrie and hosts Lauren Bullock and Dan Jenkins share experiences from teaching and learning in graduate school, feedback from student participants, changes to make moving forward, and how their work prepares future leaders in and out of higher education.

Deep Learning in Leadership Education

Dr. Jon Wergin shares wisdom from his 50+ years in higher education, leadership education, and consulting. What does deep, transformative, and adaptive learning look like in leadership? How do we facilitate better dialogue, critical reflection, and unlearning?

From a Diner to the Academy

Dr. Corey Seemiller explains how the ILA Leadership Education Academy grew from a conversation with Dan at a diner in Ohio into one of the most popular professional development immersion programs for leadership educators.

The Latest NLERA

Dr. Tony Andenoro and Dr. Kristan Cilente Skendall editors of the National Leadership Education Research Agenda (NLERA) discuss working with teams of researchers from all parts of the world to create a collaborative and inclusive vision for leadership education.

Service Learning in a Pandemic

In this episode, Dan and Lauren chat with Dr. Tara Grey Coste about her work combining public service and leadership education.

Teaching Leadership Educator Courses

In this episode, Dan and Lauren sit down with FSU Professor Kathy Guthrie to discuss graduate-level leadership educator preparatory courses, research initiatives at FSU’s Leadership Learning Research Center, and some of the upcoming issues of New Directions for Student Leadership.