
Building Leadership Bridges and Women & Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice

ILA’s book series offer the best contemporary thinking about leadership from a diverse range of scholars, educators, and practitioners working around the globe. In keeping with the mission of the ILA, the book series builds connections between how people research, enact, and experience leadership to advance leadership knowledge and practice for a better world. Check out the book’s webpages for a short description, table of contents, ordering information, and membership discounts.

image showing library of ILA books

All ILA members, above the student level, get a free Building Leadership Bridges book each year – member’s choice! Members also receive deep discounts on additional Building Leadership Bridges and Women & Leadership books.

Genderwashing in Leadership: Power, Policies, and Politics. Volume Editors: Rita A. Gardiner, Wendy Fox-Kirk, Carole J. Elliott, and Valerie Stead. International Leadership Association Transformative Women Leaders. Series Editors Randal Joy Thompson, Chrys Egan, and Dionne Rosser-Mims.

Genderwashing in Leadership: Power, Policies, and Politics

This book considers how genderwashing – the process whereby organizational rhetoric differs from the lived experiences of workers, creating the myth of gender equity in the workplace – highlights hidden biases in organizational policies and procedures. The authors and editors host a space for dialogue and debate as they explore different aspects of genderwashing and how to transform today’s organizations.

Questioning Leadership by Michael Harvey

Questioning Leadership

Leaders ask hard questions that spark creative solutions and new understandings. Asking by itself isn’t enough – leaders must also help find answers and turn them into effective action.

The Gift of Transformative Leaders by Nathan O. Hatch

The Gift of Transformative Leaders

Through the stories of thirteen transformative leaders, Hatch illuminates how the author approached identifying talent and empowered leaders to lead in bold and creative ways.

Inclusive Leadership Bookcover

Inclusive Leadership: Equity and Belonging in Our Communities

This book serves as a guide to what it means and looks like to be an ally and advocate for DEIB. Divided into four sections—(a) Understanding DEIB, (b) DEIB and Education, (c) The Application and Practice DEIB/Accessibility, and (d) DEIB/Accessibility: A Community and Global Perspective— the book offers readers a roadmap toward fostering inclusivity and fairness.

The Hazards of Great Leadership by James K. Beggan, Scott T. Allison, and George R. Goethals

The Hazards of Great Leadership

A leader can become a hazard through social psychological processes, which operate through the metaphor of Seven Deadly Sins, to create negative consequences. Great leaders can undermine their own success and accomplishments, as well as their followers.

Leading for Innovation by Michael D. Mumford, Tanner R. Newbold, Mark Fichtel, and Samantha England

Leading For Innovation

Creativity, the generation of novel and useful ideas, and innovation, the transformation of these ideas into new products, processes, and services, are both critical for the long-term viability, profitability, and growth of organizations.

There Is More Than One Way to Lead by Samuel T. Hunter and Jeffrey B. Lovelace

There Is More Than One Way to Lead

The charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic (CIP) theory of leadership has emerged as a novel framework for thinking about the varying ways leaders can influence followers. The theory is based on the principle of equifinality, or the notion that there are multiple pathways to the same outcome.

Cultural Dynamics and Leadership by Nathan W. Harter

Cultural Dynamics and Leadership

The intersection of leadership and culture is undertheorized. Of particular relevance is an interpretive approach, elaborated in the works of Simmel, Cassirer, Ortega y Gasset, and Gadamer.

Reimagining Leadership on the Commons-Cover

Reimagining Leadership on the Commons

What does leadership in self-organized, self-governed, autonomous networks and organizations that function outside the state and the private sector look like? This book is essential reading for researchers of commons, leadership practitioners, and non-profits working towards a more ethical, equitable, and just world.

Leading the Future of Technology by Rebecca LaForgia

Leading the Future of Technology

There is presently a view that accessible technologies offer an inclusive and humanistic expression of technology. They do. But that is not all. Accessible technologies offer more than this: they contain within them lessons on transformational leadership.