Editor: Gama Perruci (Emerald Publishing, 2022)
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As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and cross-cultural contexts gain prominence, leaders can no longer ignore the global dimensions of leadership. The way we study leadership must be informed by processes that take place beyond and across borders. The way we practice leadership cannot ignore the cultural basis of our thoughts and actions. This book provides cutting-edge perspectives on the impact that globalization is having on the study and practice of Global Leadership.
To explore these various facets of Global Leadership, The Study and Practice of Global Leadership has been divided into three parts. In part I, we define what is meant by globalization and its facets, including political, economic, and social integration. In part II, the authors examine the proliferation of Leadership Programs in schools across the globe, focusing on initiatives in China, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia. In part III, the book highlights the challenges that practitioners face when they translate theoretical insights into on-the-ground action.
In the spirit of offering a wide variety of applied topics, the reader will have an opportunity to see how Global Leadership plays a role in the multinational corporate setting, Sub-Saharan African countries, international development, immigration, and gender equality.
PART I. The Connection between Leadership and the Global Context
Chapter 1. Leadership in the New Global Context; Gama Perruci
Chapter 2. In Search of a Shared Narrative of Leadership; Beth Fisher-Yoshida
Chapter 3. How Technology and Globalization are Changing the Nature of Leadership; Amber A. Johnson, Tina Huesing, James D. Ludema, and Brett Hinds
Chapter 4. Homo Ubuntu Leadership for the 21st Century; Éliane Ubalijoro and Sean Lee
Chapter 5. Global Identity and Global Leadership: Becoming, Knowing and Doing Differently; Kathleen A. Curran
PART II. The Study of Global Leadership
Chapter 6. University Based Leadership Education for Professionals Working in the Globalized Context; Wendy E. Rowe and Wanda Krause
Chapter 7. Yin and Yang: Opposing Viewpoints on Western-Based Leadership Studies Programs in Mainland China; Jeff Bourgeois and Brett Whitaker
Chapter 8. International Immersions for Graduate Students of Global Leadership; Jennie L. Walker and Yulia Tolstikov-Mast
Chapter 9. Recent Developments in College Leadership Education in Japan; Mikinari Higano
PART III. The Practice of Global Leadership
Chapter 10. Leading Corporations in the U.S. and Other National Settings: What Will Be Common to Their Leadership, and What Will Be Different?; Michael Useem
Chapter 11. The Practice and Impact of Leadership in a Sub-Saharan Context; Trisha Gott, Brandon Kliewer, Kaitlin Long, and Mary Tolar
Chapter 12. The Impact of Globalization on Leadership in International Development; Randal Joy Thompson
Chapter 13. Immigration as a Leadership Crucible among Global Leaders; Marco Aponte-Moreno
Chapter 14. From a Sea of Grey to a Sky of Blue: Global Women Leaders Providing Rays of Hope; Lorraine Stefani
Chapter 15. Leadership Challenges from the Edge of Experience in the Global Crisis Context; Michael Cox and James Warn
About the Editor
Gama Perruci (Editor), PhD, was the Dean of the McDonough Center at Marietta College in Ohio and served as a leadership Education Consultant for The New York Times, a Facilitator for the Young African Leaders Initiative, and a Facilitator for the leadership programs at Dartmouth College’s Rockefeller Center. He was also a frequent guest on the BBC and served as a Member of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library’s Academic Advisory Council and as the Board Chair of the International Leadership Association. He is the author of several books including Global Leadership: A Transnational Perspective; Teaching Leadership: Bridging Theory and Practice with Sadhana Warty Hall; and Understanding Leadership: An Arts and Humanities Approach with Robert M. McManus.
About the Authors
Marco Aponte-Moreno is an Associate Professor of Global Business at Saint Mary’s College of California. His research in global leadership looks at how the arts can be used to develop leadership skills in cross-cultural settings. He obtained his PhD from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, focusing on leadership discourse analysis. He has a BA in languages from the University of Paris (Sorbonne-Nouvelle) and is originally from Caracas, Venezuela.
Jeff Bourgeois is a faculty member in the Herbert Business School at the University of Miami. Previously, he taught Leadership Studies in China, Rome, and San Diego. His research agenda highlights cultural implications on leadership education, university presidents, and transnational higher education. Recent publications explore the experiences of and support for foreign-born leadership educators. He received his PhD in Leadership Studies from the University of San Diego.
Michael Cox, PhD, is a Professor Emeritus in Leadership and former Director, Center for Studies in Leadership at the University of Guelph. He is experienced in complex leadership initiatives in defense, government, NGO, health and United Nations Development Program; Canadian International Development Agency; Canada-China Management Program and Visiting Fellow in collaborative leadership research at the Australian Defence Force Academy.
Kathleen A. Curran, PhD, is a Global Leadership Development Researcher, Coach, Facilitator, and Consultant; and Principal of Intercultural Systems, established in Singapore in 1996 and active worldwide. As an Institute for Social Innovation Fellow at Fielding Graduate University, she focuses her praxis on global leader identity and global talent development. Recent publications include “Developing Global Resonance for Global Leadership” (Leadership and Power in International Development) and “Global Identity Tensions for Global Leaders” (Advances in Global Leadership).
Beth Fisher-Yoshida is a Professor of Professional Practice, the Director of the MS in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution program, the Director of the Youth, Peace and Security Project, all at Columbia University. Her main areas of practice, research and writing involve women and negotiation, intercultural communication, narrative, youth leadership and CMM. She received her PhD in Human and Organizational Systems and MA in Organization Development from Fielding Graduate University and is a Certified Clinical Sociologist (CCS).
Trisha Gott, PhD, is an Assistant Professor and Associate Director at the Staley School of Leadership Studies at Kansas State University. She teaches undergraduate, graduate, and professional coursework related to the ethical dimensions of leadership and leadership development. Since 2016, she has served as Co-PI and Co-director for the Mandela Washington Fellowship Civic Engagement and Leadership Institute at Kansas State University.
Mikinari Higano, PhD, established the very first in Japan academic leadership program for undergraduate students at Rikkyo University in 2006. In 2016, he moved to Waseda University and started another program to start from scratch. Now he consults many other universities on the introduction of leadership education curricula. He wrote a chapter on “New Leadership Education and Deep Active Learning” for the anthology Deep Active Learning: Toward Greater Depth in University Education (Springer).
Brett Hinds is Ford Motor Company’s global Chief Engineer for electrified vehicle battery systems. He has been with Ford’s global powertrain operations since 1990 upon graduation from Lawrence Technological University with a BSME degree. He later earned a MS in Engineering Management from Oakland University (1996) and a PhD in Leadership from Benedictine University (2020). His doctoral dissertation focused on understanding global leaders’ power with global followers.
Tina Huesing is a Chief Consultant at Wyrmwood Consulting, a networked consulting company specializing in helping people and organizations be their best. Previously, she was the Senior Director Six Sigma for Motorola EMEA and is a certified master black belt. She holds an MBA from Thunderbird, Global School of Management and a PhD from Benedictine University’s Center for Values-Driven Leadership. She has lived and worked in Europe, The Middle East, India, China, and New Zealand.
Amber A. Johnson is a Strategy Consultant who helps organizations enhance collaboration, shape culture, improve communication, and drive results. She completed her Ph.D. in Values-Driven Leadership at Benedictine University in 2020. Her doctoral dissertation focused on how global organizations can lead successful change initiatives. Previously, she spent 11 years with the Center for Values-Driven Leadership at Benedictine University, 7 years with global humanitarian organization World Vision, and was a US Peace Corps volunteer.
Brandon W. Kliewer is an Associate Professor of Civic Leadership in the Mary Lynn and Warren Staley School of Leadership Studies at Kansas State University. He studies leadership in organizations and democracy through the lens of civic capacity, leadership coaching, group dynamics, dialogic process consulting, democratic theory, and systems change. He holds a PhD from The University of Georgia in political science.
Wanda Krause, PhD, is the Program Head of the MA in Global Leadership Program and an Associate Professor in the School of Leadership Studies at Royal Roads University. Her work focuses on Middle East politics, civil society, human rights issues, evaluation, women’s participation, and global leadership. Her books include Civil Society and Women Activists in the Middle East: Islamic and Secular Organizations in Egypt and Women in Civil Society: The State, Islamism, and Networks in the UAE.
Sean Lee is a Writer and Illustrator of the human condition. His current project Homo Ubuntu: Our Paleolithic Legacy in the 21st Century is the second in a series The Algorithmocene. His pre-pandemic career was in technology, innovation, and sustainable development, holding a variety of research, management, and consulting positions within public, private, small, and large institutions. He holds several patents and a PhD in Physics from the University of Florida.
Kaitlin Long is an Administrator for Student Programs at the Mary Lynn and Warren Staley School of Leadership Studies at Kansas State University. She manages global and local service-learning programs and leadership programs to prepare students for the transition post-graduation. She earned her master’s degree from Ball State University and serves on the management team for the Leadership in Civic Engagement Institute for Mandela Washington Fellows at Kansas State University.
James D. Ludema, PhD, is the Dean of the School of Business at Calvin University. His book The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: A Practitioner’s Guide for Leading Large-Scale Change is widely considered a classic in the field. He has lived and worked in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America and has served as a consultant to a variety of organizations including GlaxoSmithKline, BP, McDonald’s, US Cellular, the US Navy and many local and international NGOs.
Wendy E. Rowe, PhD, is a Professor in the School of Leadership and the Founder of the MA Global Leadership program, Royal Roads University. She teaches strategic leadership, organizational change, international development, action research, and research methods. She has a 30-year history of leadership practice and research within the United States, Canada, Kenya, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, India, New Zealand, and Australia, using models of collaboration, transformational change, and developmental evaluation to enhance organizational and leadership capacities.
Lorraine Stefani, PhD, is Emeritus Professor of Higher Education at the University of Auckland, an accredited leadership coach, and independent researcher. She has an impressive publication record including books and book chapters on a range of academic and leadership development topics. She has provided leadership consultancy in many countries including projects for the NZ Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia. Currently, she coaches individuals in New Zealand, Australia, and Pakistan.
Randal Joy Thompson (PhD, Fielding) is a Fellow with the Institute for Social Innovation, Fielding Graduate University. Her publications include: Reimagining Leadership on the Commons: Shifting the Paradigm for a More Ethical, Equitable, and Just World; Proleptic Leadership on the Commons: Ushering in a New Global Order; Leadership and Power in International Development: Navigating the Intersections of Gender, Culture, Context, and Sustainability; many book chapters; and articles in journals.
Mary Tolar, PhD, serves as the Director of the Staley School of Leadership Studies, Kansas State University, providing learning experiences aligned with the mission of “developing knowledgeable, ethical, caring, inclusive leaders for a diverse and changing world.” Her teaching, research, and service center on the art and practice of civic leadership development. She supports the Mandela Washington Fellowship Civic Engagement and Leadership Institute at Kansas State University as institute faculty and in her administrative role.
Yulia Tolstikov-Mast, PhD, is a Global Leadership Scholar, Doctoral Faculty, Consultant, and Author. Originally from Russia, she was a Founding Faculty Indiana Tech’s PhD in Global Leadership Program and is a Global Mindset Inventory Certified Facilitator with wide consulting experience. Her scholarship appears in Advances in Global Leadership and the Journal of Leadership Education, among others. She led a multi-stage study of Russian followership and is the Co-Investigator in Russia for the GLOBE 2020 Project.
Éliane Ubalijoro, PhD, is the Executive Director of Sustainability in the Digital Age and the Future Earth Montreal Hub. She is a Professor of Practice at McGill University and a Research Professor at Concordia University. She is a Member of Rwanda’s National Science and Technology Council and Presidential Advisor Council. She is a Member of the Impact Advisory Board of the Global Alliance for a Sustainable Planet as well as the Capitals Coalition Supervisory Board.
Michael Useem, PhD, is a Professor of Management and Faculty Director of the Leadership Center and McNulty Leadership Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. His teaching includes MBA, executive-MBA, and executive courses on management, leadership, and governance. He is the author of The Leader’s Checklist, The Leadership Moment, and The Edge: How Ten CEOs Learned to Lead – and the Lessons for Us All.
Jennie L. Walker, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Lead Faculty for Business Leadership at Forbes School of Business & Technology at University of Arizona Global Campus. She specializes in developing leaders and organizations for success in complex, diverse, and increasingly global environments. For the past 20 years, she has provided professional education and coaching in leadership development, talent management and organizational effectiveness for multinational organizations and as a Professor and Executive in higher education.
James Warn, PhD, is a Visiting Fellow and Former Interim Head, School of Business, Australian Defence Force Academy at the University of New South Wales. He is experienced in developing and delivering leadership education at a Masters level and providing professional leadership development to career professionals. He has consulted on projects addressing organizational change and published on leadership and immigrant entrepreneurship. He is currently working as an organizational psychologist.
Brett Whitaker is an Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Leadership Studies at Fort Hays State University (FHSU). He holds a PhD in Global Leadership from Indiana Tech. His research and teaching interests include global leadership, global issues, leadership education, and curricular design.