An ILA Leadership Perspectives Webinar

Task, People, and Change: An Introduction to Two Norwegian Concepts for Social Learning

Task, People, and Change: An Introduction to Two Norwegian Concepts for Social Learning 9 Dec. 12PM EST. Bjørn Zakarias Ekelund and Oyvind Lund Martinsen

With Bjørn Z. Ekelund and Oyvind Lund Martinsen and Moderator Brian Redmond

Cost: This webinar is sponsored by ILA’s Leadership Development Member Community as part of its Global Voices Project and is being offered FREE to both members and non-members. 

Learn more about Task, People and Change, as a model of simplicity for:

  • Building an inclusive organizational culture;
  • Leadership development and building of organizational culture;
  • Transformational leadership.

The Task, People ,and Change model of Leadership coined by Gary Yukl has been a central model in both presenter’s innovative work. Bjørn Z. Ekelund has used this model to map individual differences related to cognitive style and communication differences. A psychological assessment was developed more than 25 years ago, naming the three styles Red, Blue and Green. A seminar concept where participants socially construct the meaning of the Red, Blue, and Green evolved. And, this assessment has been used by ½ mill people in more than 75 countries. This concept of Red, Blue, and Green stresses complementarity, equality, positivity, and trust. There are no power differences highlighted.

Oyvind Lund Martinsen has used this Task, People, and Change model as the basis for a 360-degree feedback tool, a concept where leadership is clarified and made distinct from management. It reflects a strategic model where all organizations’ needs to adapt, produce, and benefit from human resources to perform optimally. In his research, he focused on the scientific support for the model, and to investigate leaders’ self-insight. He found low correspondence between leaders’ self-assessment and subordinates assessment, which emphasizes the need to strengthen leaders’ reflection, development, and performance in leadership development.

Both concepts highlight communication between people in different positions, shared understanding through dialogue, and collective reflexivity.

What is the epistemological grounding for this practice? Both measures and concepts evolve inside Norway. Are there cultural qualities that make it challenging to use this communicative practice outside Norway?

About the Global Voices Project

The Global Voices Project is an endeavor taken by the ILA Leadership Development Member Community to give the International Leadership Association a truly global reach by amplifying voices from leaders around the world. To make sure those voices are heard, Global Voices sponsors leadership webinars from five regions of the world: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. To date the ILA has amplified leadership voices from Trinidad & Tobago, Bahamas, Dominica, Ghana, Australia, and Norway. Future talks will give further voice to leaders in other countries to help ensure that the ILA is leveraging its talent worldwide.

Bjørn Z. Ekelund

Bjørn Zakarias Ekelund is a Norwegian business consultant. Psychologist (1983), Univ. of Oslo, Norway, MBA (1997), Henley Management College, London, UK. Studies in International Management (2006/7), University of Agder, Norway. He has been leading consultant organizations since 1987, at the same time doing extensive consultative work focused on interpersonal interaction, team analysis, innovation and cross-cultural challenges. Since 1993 he has been the principal owner and managing director/chairman of Human Factors AS in Norway. He is most known for creating the Diversity Icebreaker – a concept that combines the assessment of cognitive styles with an experiential learning seminar. 

Oyvind Lund Martinsen

Dr. Oyvind Lund Martinsen has a PhD in cognitive psychology, University of Bergen, Norway 1995. Associate professor in psychometrics from the same year. Associate professor in organizational psychology at Norwegian Business School from 1999. Full professor same place from 2011. Associate Dean for the Executive Master of Management programs in Norwegian Business School (2003-2006). Chairman at the department of Leadership Research, Norwegian Military (2006), head of department for the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at Norwegian Business School (2015-2023). Adjunct positions at several institutions. Consulting experience with a number of organizations.

Brian Redmond

Dr. Brian Redmond (Moderator) received his PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology in 2011. He is a teaching professor of organizational leadership in the School of Labor and Employment Relations at Penn State University, where he is also the Online Education Lead for the school. He has worked at Penn State since 2006. He is also currently the vice-chair for the Global Voices project in the Leadership Development Membership Committee for the ILA. Between his academic and consulting roles, he has taught thousands of people about leadership. He has a passion for making sure that everyone feels valued and can have their voice heard as that is his own underpinning philosophy of leadership.

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