Presenters: Valerie Stead, Rita Gardiner, Kimberly Wiggins, and Carole Elliott (Moderator)
Date: 16 November 2017
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This webinar will feature an international panel of speakers moderated by Carole Elliott, the Principal Investigator for the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Seminar Series “Challenging Gendered Media (Mis)representations of Women Professionals and Leaders.” Webinar presenters represent different research and practitioner perspectives on women, leadership, and their representation in the media. Valerie Stead will describe current and future research trends and implications for the development of women to navigate negative stereotypes. Rita Gardiner’s presentation will explore the intersectionality of women, media, and politics. Kimberly Holmes Wiggins is a broadcast journalist who has worked as a reporter, news anchor, and producer and will share her journey as a woman and woman of color in the industry. The hour long webinar panel format will feature three fifteen minute presentations and a fifteen minute period for questions and answers with the moderator and panelists.
Valerie Stead:
- A brief description of your interest in women’s leadership and the media.
- What are the current trends in research?
- What are areas for future research?
- What are implications from research for the development of women leaders seeking to navigate negative stereotypes in media?
- Other insights you want to share?
- Close with 2 to 3 actionable items for participants.
Rita Gardiner:
- A brief description of your interest in women’s leadership and the media.
- What are the main issues surrounding intersectionality of women, media, and politics?
- What links do you see between the intersectionality of women, media, and politics and the development of authentic women leaders?
- What are implications for the development of women to navigate challenges presented by the media?
- Other insights you want to share?
- Close with 2 to 3 actionable items for participants.
Kimberly Wiggins:
- A description of your journey to your career in broadcasting.
- What are leadership challenges you face? Have these changed over the years?
- What are lessons you have learned?
- Explain how you navigate media representation as a woman of color.
- What recommendations/tips do you have for encouraging women to enter the media industry?
- Other insights you want to share?
- Close with 2 to 3 actionable items for participants.
Outcome of Attending
- Further research agendas associated with women’s leadership and media.
- Reflect on the nature of interventions needed to challenge gendered representations of women’s leadership.
- Improve personal leadership engagement of women in different context.
Intended Audience
Individuals who are interested in the topic of women’s leadership in general or specifically leadership related to the representation of women in the media from a researcher’s perspective or from a leadership practitioner’s perspective are the intended audience.
Speaker Information

Valerie Stead is Senior Lecturer in leadership and management at Lancaster University Management School, U.K., and Director of the Lancaster University Management School research forum, Academy for Gender, Work and Leadership. Valerie is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Management Reviews and a member of the editorial board of the international journal, Gender in Management. A leading, widely published scholar in gender, leadership, and learning, she adopts a critical perspectives to examine women’s leadership with with a focus on gender, media, and leadership. She co-edited the volume ‘Gender, Media, and Organization: Challenging Mis(s)Representations of Women Leaders and Managers’ (with C. Elliott, S. Mavin, J. Williams, 2016).

Rita A. Gardiner is an Assistant Professor in Critical Policy, Equity, and Leadership Studies in the Faculty of Education at The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada. Her research interests include exploring leadership and organizational change through the lens of feminist theory, Arendtian inquiry, and existential phenomenology. Publications include: “Hannah and her sisters: Theorizing gender and leadership through the lens of feminist phenomenology” for a special issue on gender and leadership in the Journal of Educational Administration & History (2016) and her single-authored book, Gender, Authenticity and Leadership: Thinking with Arendt (2015). Rita’s research also considers how intersectionality affects media representations of women politicians and was published in the volume Gender, media, and organization: Challenging mis(s)repre sentations of women leaders and managers.

Kimberly Holmes Wiggins is an accomplished broadcast journalist who has built her career with experiences in reporting, anchoring, shooting, editing, and producing content! She currently helps viewers on Maryland, Delaware and Virginia’s Eastern Shore wake up as a morning anchor on WBOC-TV. During Kimberly’s last position at WOFL-TV in Orlando, she was responsible for covering health and education stories, helped manage the special projects department, and often filled-in as news anchor. Her heartfelt coverage of an officer’s funeral earned her an award from the Associated Press. Graduating from Duke University and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, Kimberly began her career began behind the scenes as an associate producer in Miami and as a field producer at Bloomberg TV in Washington, D.C.

Carole Elliott is Professor of Human Resource Development at the University of Roehampton Business School in London, U.K. She is editor-in-chief of journal Human Resource Development International and Principal Investigator for the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Seminar Series “Challenging Gendered Media (Mis)representations of Women Professionals and Leaders.” Carole’s principal research interests are critical examination of women’s leadership and women’s leadership learning, and Critical HRD. Carole regularly presents her research at national and international conferences, is a member of the ILA, European Group for Organizational Studies, the British Academy of Management, and is an academic fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development as well as a Fellow of the Leadership Trust Foundation in the U.K.
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