with professors Richard Callahan and Tim Mau, sponsored by ILA’s Public Leadership Member Community
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Professor Richard Callahan, University of San Francisco, and Professor Tim A. Mau, University of Guelph, co-editors of the International Journal of Public Leadership (Emerald Publishing), will share their observations on the trajectory of the public leadership research, including notable gaps and future research trajectories that would be of particular interest to the journal. They will also highlight some of the common pitfalls that they have witnessed with respect to research design, presentation of results and written communication that will often stymie the publication of a manuscript. While their comments will pertain specifically to public leadership research submitted to the International Journal of Public Leadership, their insights will have broader applicability since these are common problems in the field of academic publishing.
By attending this webinar, participants will
- Learn about some of the notable gaps in the public leadership literature,
- Be apprised of areas of public leadership research that are of specific interest to the International Journal of Public Leadership, and
- Learn how to increase their chances of getting their academic research published by avoiding some of the common shortcomings associated with manuscripts identified through the peer-review process.

Tim A. Mau is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Guelph (Guelph, Ontario, Canada). For more than 20 years, Mau has been teaching a range of undergraduate and graduate courses on public management and leadership. He has also provided many leadership workshops to public sector managers and executives in Canada and Asia with the Asian Productivity Organization. Professor Mau’s research interests lie primarily in public sector (administrative) leadership, and he has published a range of book chapters and articles in Canadian and international journals on various facets of public leadership. In May 2020, Dr. Mau was appointed as the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Public Leadership (Emerald Publishing, UK) and, as of January 1, 2022, assumed the role of Co-Editor-in-Chief.

Dr. Patricia Clary (moderator) is a practitioner and scholar. An author, international presenter, President and CEO, Commissioner, lifelong learner, and community builder Clary is passionate about empowering professionals in personal and professional pursuits. She is well-known for her expertise in working with diverse stakeholder groups to help communities and global societies solve complex issues through governance, collaboration, and convening leadership. She is the Past Chair of the ILA Public Leadership Member Community and is on the ILA Women and Leadership Member Community Executive Leadership Team. She is a chapter author for Reimaging Leadership on the Commons: Shifting Paradigms for a More Ethical, Equitable, and Just World (Emerald Publishing) and her most recent peer-reviewed journal article addresses, “The Phenomenological Effect of Burnout on Women in the Nonprofit Sector and Implications for the Post-Pandemic Work World.” She writes Community Matters, a weekly syndicated column. You may follow her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/pat-clary/.