leadership scholarship

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Does Size Matter for Leadership?

Keith Grint ranges from Shakespeare’s Henry V to tweets from Donald Trump to expose the invisible privilege associated with being tall and the assumption that has long prevailed in human society that greater height correlates with attributions of leadership, particularly among men.

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The Colors of Leadership

Keith Grint explores the way color — in almost all its formats and embodiments — is deeply implicated in leadership whether in terms of how it’s signified and practiced, how it’s used to create and enforce status and hierarchy, and even how it’s used in certain leadership development models to code capacities.

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Leaders Who Lust in Our Midst

The leadership industry — leadership centers and institutes, leadership programs and courses, leadership teachers and trainers — sells moderation. In fact, sometimes leadership, including leadership that is exceptionally effective, is quite the opposite. Sometimes leaders are excessive.

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Uncharted: How to Map the Future Together

“The only thing we know about the future is that we do not know the future.” What implications does that have for leadership and the structures of our organizations, particularly amid rapidly moving crisis? How does this change the relationship between leaders, followers, and the public at large?

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The COVID-19 Crisis as a Test of Followership

Is it not time we stopped asking what leaders and science can do to fight COVID-19 and ask instead what followers should be doing? Accepting that we are facing a complex and unpredictable situation, how do we stop calling for simple solutions, learn to live with uncertainty, and take responsibility for our own actions?

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False Positives: A Pandemic of Prozac Leadership

Being positive can facilitate transformational leadership but taken to extremes it can become insincere and manipulative. Excessive positivity constitutes a significant barrier to reflection and learning. By silencing critical voices, Prozac leadership has hindered our leaders’ response to the pandemic.

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