Organizational Membership

ILA membership is valid for 1 year

Empower Your Organization with ILA Membership

Discover the transformative impact of uniting your organization with ILA’s thriving community. Our membership isn’t just an investment in leadership – it’s an investment in your organization’s future. By becoming a part of ILA, you’re equipping your team with the tools, knowledge, and connections they need to excel. Embrace a journey of growth, innovation, and collective achievement. Together, we’ll propel your organization towards new heights of excellence.

Bonus! Organizational members enjoy FREE job postings on the ILA Jobs Board and their leadership degree and certificate programs are starred in the Leadership Education Program Directory!

Organizational Membership Dues

$625 – Includes 4 Members

$150 – Per Additional Member

Special Student Cohort Pricing

$125 – Per Student Member for 15 or more students 

Smaller groups of students can join here.  

Groups of 50+ please email for special pricing. 

Empower Your Organization with ILA Membership

ILA Organizational Memberships provide a cost-effective and simple approach to securing full ILA benefits for your people.  Organizational membership grows with you: your first four members are included, and additional members can be added for $150 each, a significant savings over the average individual dues.  

Special pricing plans can be arranged for groups over 100 people, or for cohorts of leadership students and leadership fellows. Please contact our membership team at with your questions about how Organizational membership can benefit your entire team, fellows, students, or alumni. 

Member Type Member Dues in USD
Organizational Membership
(Includes 4 People)
Add extra people to your org. membership
$150 Each
Add a student cohort to your org. membership. Minimum of 15 students to qualify.
$125 per student (Minimum of 15)

Hear Success Stories Directly from Our Members

"The ILA networks of university and other partners globally provide us with avenues to discuss, publish, and advance dialogue about leadership in diverse settings. Our ILA organizational membership provides resources and opportunities that support our program’s success and my own professional development. I encourage you to join ILA and to attend the next ILA conference!"
Trish Gott
Trisha Gott
Associate Dean & Assistant Professor, Staley School of Leadership, Kansas State University

ILA Organizational Members

Join the roster of organizations who have invested in their team by joining ILA’s thriving global community.

Abilene Christian University

Alliance of Leadership Fellows

American Association For Physician Leadership

Anderson University

Andrews University

Antioch University

Arizona State Univ- Leadership and Integrative Studies

ASEAN PR Network

Austin Peay State University

Bellevue University

Benedictine University

C. Charles Jackson Foundation/Charlie Academy

California Baptist Univ -Dr. Paul & Annie Kienel Leadership Institute

California Institute of Integral Studies

Carnegie Mellon University

Center for Creative Leadership

Center for Transformative Leadership

Chapman University

Christopher Newport University

Claremont McKenna College

Columbus State University -The Leadership Institute

Community and Enterprise Leadership Foundation (CELF)

Community College of Philadelphia

Coventry University

Delaware State University

Drake University

Drexel University

Duke Environmental Leadership Program

Duke Kunshan University

Eastern University

East-West Center -Leadership Program

East-West Center -Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP)

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide


European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD)

Fielding Graduate University

Florida State University -Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Florida State University -Student Affairs

Fort Hays State University

Franklin University

Fresno State

Fukuoka Women’s University -Women’s Leadership Center

Georgia Southern University

Gettysburg College

Gonzaga University

Hamline University

Humboldt Neurohealth Therapeutic Services

Indiana Institute of Technology

Indiana University -Tobias Leadership Center

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

Indiana Wesleyan University – Division of Leadership & Followership Studies

International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP)

Iowa State University -Leadership Studies Program

IREX (International Research & Exchanges)

James Madison University

Johns Hopkins University

Johnson University

Kansas Leadership Center

Kansas State University

Kennesaw State University

Kyoritsu Women’s University

Leadership and Innovation Institute (LII)

Leadership Circle

LEADS Global

Lifelong Leadership Institute

Marian University

Marietta College

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Momoyama Gakuin University

National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs

National University

New York University

North Carolina State University -The Caldwell Fellows

Northwestern University

Norwich University

Oklahoma State University -The Hargis Leadership Institute

Philadelphia Institute -Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research

Rice University

Rochester Institute of Technology -Saunders College of Business

Royal Roads University

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College

Salisbury University

San Diego State University

Seton Hall University

Shenandoah University

Simmons University

Southeastern University

SUNY Brockport

Texas A&M University

The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina

The Institute of Leadership

The Leadership Group

Thomas Edison State University

Tiffin University

Trinity Western University

Troy University -College of Education

Troy University -Phenix City

Tulane University

U.S. Air Force Academy -Center for Character and Leadership Development

U.S. Coast Guard Academy

U.S. Naval Academy

UMass Chan Regional Medical Campus at Lahey

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

University of Arkansas

University of Cambridge -Institute for Sustainability Leadership

University of Charleston

University of Chicago -Booth School of Business

University of Colorado Boulder

University of Dayton

University of Delaware

University of Denver

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Illinois

University of La Verne

University of Maryland College Park

University of Maryland Eastern Shore -EMSE

University of Maryland Eastern Shore -ORLD

University of Michigan – Barger Leadership Institute

University of Minnesota Extension Center for Community Vitality

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

University of New Brunswick

University of Ottawa -Telfer School of Management

University of Phoenix

University of Richmond -Jepson School of Leadership Studies

University of San Diego

University of Southern Maine

University of the West of England

University of Washington -Center for Community Engagement & Educational Leadership

University of Waterloo

UNSW Canberra

USC Rossier School of Education

Utah Valley University

Valparaiso University


Vassar College

Virginia Tech

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Waseda University

Washburn University

West Virginia University

Western Washington University

WhiteWater International Consulting, Inc.


xLEAD Pte. Ltd