- 3 October 2023
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Book Buzz from The International Leadership Association 2023 Global Conference.
Author Nathan W. Harter discusses his book Cultural Dynamics and Leadership.
Culture enables, constrains, and shapes leadership as part of its context. This short book begins to define the term “culture” and to emphasize various dimensions which orient participants, exploring five types of relationship a leader might have with culture. Ultimately, leadership and culture are reciprocal. The book approaches culture from an interpretive perspective, showing how culture’s transmission means that one unit of analysis is the generation. This idea is illustrated by examining the process by which the King James Version of the Bible was eventually written and approved during the Golden Age of British literature. After a chapter on cultural dynamics, described by Margaret Archer as Social Morphogenesis, the book concludes by considering the recurring contradiction between the tenets of Christianity and the many examples of race-based politics — a process culminating in the change of heart documented about a conservative icon named William F. Buckley, Jr.