- 3 October 2023
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Book Buzz from The International Leadership Association 2023 Global Conference. Author Julia Fabris McBride discusses her book When Everyone Leads: How The Toughest Challenges Get Seen And Solved.
This book is not about leadership, at least in the way we normally think about it.
Leadership is not about position, or authority.
It’s not about big speeches or grand visions.
Leadership is engaging others to solve daunting challenges. Those challenges appear in our professional lives, in our communities, our families―and they seem unsolvable, beyond our ability to see what needs to be done or outside our capacity to make the changes needed.
They are not.
Because, leadership is an activity―small actions taken in moments of opportunity. And as you start to look around, you can begin to see more of those moments, seize the opportunity in those moments. Most importantly, you can help others see those opportunities too.
That’s why everyone can lead and the real power to solve our most important challenges is when everyone leads.