- 6 October 2022
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Book Buzz from The International Leadership Association 2022 Global Conference. Author Ira Chaleff discusses his book A Celebration of Followership: The Story in Documents of Courageous Followership and the Followership Community.
A Celebration of Followership is an extraordinary book of original documents that map the inroads followership studies have made globally. Ira Chaleff, author of The Courageous Follower, shares highlights from these uniquely curated documents that suggest exciting research projects to further advance the field and bolster the case for incorporating followership into your leadership curriculums. He reveals the little-known history of the role that followership played in the creation of the ILA and share examples of new research and publications. All from the viewpoint of a pioneer in the field.
Ira Chaleff is an “author, speaker, workshop presenter and innovative thinker on the beneficial use of power between those who are leading and those who are following in any given situation.”