Presenters: Rebecca Chavez-Houck, Dionne Rosser-Mims, and Susan R. Madsen (Moderator)
Date: 6 June 2017
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This webinar will be conducted as a two person panel moderated by Susan Madsen. Webinar speakers represent different (yet complementary) perspectives on women, leadership, and politics. Rebecca Chavez-Houck will describe the lessons she has learned from seeking and holding public office. Dionne Rosser-Mims will address current and future trends in research of women and politics.
- Describe leadership challenges women face when entering the political arena.
- A description of your journey to your political career.
- What are leadership challenges you faced in the beginning?
- What are leadership challenges you face now?
- What are lessons you have learned?
- Explain how you navigate the election process and your role as leader.
- What recommendations/tips do you have for encouraging women to enter politics?
- Other insights you want to share?
- Describe current and future streams of research related to women and politics.
- A brief description of your interest in women and politics.
- What are the current trends in research?
- What are areas for future research?
- What are implications from research for the development for women to take on political roles?
- Other insights you want to share?
- Develop a plan to engage more women in politics and leadership roles.
- Participants will be able to use actionable items to improve personal engagement in the political arena, extend a research agenda, or help others who might have political aspirations.
Intended Audience
Individuals who are interested in the topic of women’s leadership in general or specifically leadership related to women and politics from a researcher’s perspective or from a political office holder’s perspective.
Speaker Information

A Utah native, Rebecca Chavez-Houck holds a B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication and a Master of Public Administration (MPA), both from the University of Utah. She has represented Salt Lake City’s District 24 in the Utah House of Representatives since 2008 and focuses on public policy related to health and human services as well as voter engagement and access. Legislative committee assignments include the social services appropriations subcommittee, health & human services, government operations, and economic development & workforce services. She serves on the Governor’s Multicultural Commission and as co-chair of both the bipartisan legislative Clean Air Caucus and Utah’s Women in the Economy Commission.

Dionne Rosser-Mims serves as an Associate Professor of Adult Education and Associate Dean in the College of Education at Troy University. She is the recipient of Troy’s prestigious Wallace D. Malone, Jr. Distinguished Faculty Award. Her main areas of teaching and research include adult learning and development, higher education administration, and leadership development with an emphasis on women and underserved populations. She has authored three books and is the co-founder and co-editor in chief of Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal, a peer reviewed open access journal.

Susan R. Madsen is the Orin R. Woodbury Professor of Leadership and Ethics in the Woodbury School of Business at Utah Valley University. She has done in-depth qualitative and quantitative research on women and leadership in various settings, including political, and has one book (Developing Leadership: Learning from the Experiences of Women Governors) and a number of related reports and chapters published on the topic. She is the lead series co-editor for the ILA Women and Leadership book series and founded the Women and Leadership Affinity Group in 2011. Susan also speaks globally and facilitates professional development programs for women in politics.
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