An ILA Leadership Perspectives Webinar

Coaching Ourselves: Social Learning for Leadership Development

Presenters: Jonathan Gosling and Phil LeNir

Date: 17 February 2016


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The leadership challenge in organizations has grown to a crisis level. In 2015, 87 percent of companies globally cited “gaps in their leadership pipeline” as one of their top issues (Bersin, 2016). These gaps are occurring at all levels of the organization.

Peer-Coaching, based on the approach to management education developed by Henry Mintzberg — 2013 ILA Lifetime Achievement Award winner — and Jonathan Gosling, is one of a family of new group based self-directed leadership development approaches. Peer-Coaching allows an organization to introduce and spread self-directed leader led development, and creates internal capacity for ongoing leadership growth.

Outcome of Attending

  • Learn key trends driving organizational priorities and discover why a social learning mindset is critical to solving future organizational challenges.
  • Understand the andragogy of the Mintzberg and Gosling approach to management education and its adaption into peer-coaching.
  • Explore the design of self-contained and hybrid peer-coaching interventions.


Bersin, Josh. (2015, May 28). The Four Keys to Bold HR: Lessons for the Year Ahead. [Blog]. Retrieved from–Lessons-for-the-Year-Ahead.aspx.

Speaker Information

Jonathan Gosling is Professor Emeritus of Leadership at the University of Exeter. His most recent book, Napoleonic Leadership: a Study in Power (with S. Jones, 2015) examines the power-games of business and public life. He is lead faculty at The Forward Institute, encouraging practical means to embed responsible leadership practices. He is currently composing case studies of exemplary leadership development in health services worldwide; working on management of malaria elimination and linking agriculture to peacebuilding. All these draw on participatory, contextually embedded development of leadership. He offers a one-week seminar Roundtables for Practicing Managers that provides a comprehensive exploration of his approach.

Phil LeNir is co-founder and managing partner of CoachingOurselves where he has worked with hundreds of organizations designing and delivering learning and organizational performance solutions, delivering numerous workshops throughout Canada, the U.S., Japan, and Europe. Previously, Phil spent 15 years in management positions in high-technology companies specializing in speech-recognition systems. With experience ranging from developing and architecting large scale speech recognition systems to managing software teams spread across the globe, Phil has a unique mix of practical management, innovation management and business experience. He holds a Masters of Management and Honors Engineering degree from McGill University in Canada.