- 7 October 2022
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Book Buzz from The International Leadership Association 2022 Global Conference. Author Dan Jenkins discusses two books edited with Kathy Guthrie, The Role of Leadership Educators: Transforming Learning & Transforming Learning: Instructional and Assessment Strategies for Leadership Education.
Designed by leadership educators for leadership educators. The Role of Leadership Educators provides resources for leadership educators in three sections: (a) professional development; (b) a leadership learning framework, characteristics and examples of strong leadership programs, and assessment practices; and (c) instructional and assessment strategies including discussion, case study, reflection, art, team-based- and service-learning, self-assessments, role-play, simulation, and games. Transforming Learning: Instructional and Assessment Strategies for Leadership Education serves as a companion guide for the prior text and includes 60 learning activities from diverse contributors based on the instructional and assessment strategies listed above to use when facilitating leadership learning.
Dan Jenkins is Professor of Leadership & Organizational Studies at University of Southern Maine