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Overcoming an Addiction to Leadership­­­

Lucie Hartley and ILA Fellow Richard Bolden explore the consequences of an addiction to leadership. Drawing on examples from drug and alcohol services, they illustrate how recovery techniques may help overcome a dependence on heroic and narcissistic leaders and foster more inclusive and compassionate forms of leadership practice.

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Barbara Kellerman on Followership

Barbara Kellerman shares her latest thinking on followership as she reflects on contemporary global issues. Read her most recent article from 3 July 2023 along with reprints of two additional articles from 2023.

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Leadership and the God of Small Things

In the middle of COP26, Keith Grint asks: “How do we mobilize the population to take responsibility for the planet when their personal contribution might appear to them to be materially irrelevant?” And, what does this have to do with notions about leadership, followership, and systemic change?

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The COVID-19 Crisis as a Test of Followership

Is it not time we stopped asking what leaders and science can do to fight COVID-19 and ask instead what followers should be doing? Accepting that we are facing a complex and unpredictable situation, how do we stop calling for simple solutions, learn to live with uncertainty, and take responsibility for our own actions?

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