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Advertising Opportunities
Experience the multiplier effect! Organizations and individuals can increase their exposure to the leadership community while investing in the future of the ILA and the field of leadership.
Conference Ads
Full- and half-page advertisements in event program books and more.
Banner Ads
Place advertisements on ILA’s website and various e-news products to 16,000+ subscribers.
Job advertisements
Looking for a new position? Add a job posting to the ILA’s Jobs Board.
Email Blasts
Custom email blasts to over 12,000 opt-in subscribers.
Advertise Today!
Email Debra DeRuyver at or call +1.202.470.4818 x 102 to discuss all advertising opportunities.
Branding & Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities are available for all of our future events including ILA’s Annual Global Conference.
Global Conference Sponsor
Would you like to develop relationships, make valuable contacts, and showcase your programs and products? Become a sponsor!
Event Sponsor
Each of ILA’s conferences, special events, and webinars offer an array of sponsorship packages that include a listed of advertising and branding opportunities, and more.
Logo Placement
Add your logo to ILA’s website and conference marketing material.
Become a Sponsor!
Email Britt Carey at to discuss all advertising opportunities.
Invest in the Future of Leadership
Make a donation today to celebrate ILA’s 25th anniversary, support the leadership profession, and invest in the future of leadership.
Founders Fund
Contribute in honor of our founders, Larraine Matusak, Georgia Sorenson, and James MacGregor Burns
Lifetime Achievement Award Fund
This award is given annually to one or more individuals who have had a profound impact on the field of leadership over the course of their careers. Recipients are honored each year at the global conference.
International Student Case Competition Fund
The ISCC is an annual competition that brings together teams of graduate and undergraduate students to address a real-world case involving a contemporary leadership issue. The winning team from each division is honored at the global conference and receives a cash prize.