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St. John Fisher College

City: Rochester
State/Province: New York
Country: USA
Category: Master's Coll
Faith: Yes
Faith Affiliation: Congregation of Saint Basil
Degree Name: M.S. in Educational Leadership
Organizational Placement: Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. School of Education
Delivery: Classroom Only
Program Mission: The mission of the educational leadership programs is to prepare highly capable, compassionate, and ethically responsible school leaders who can meet the challenge of providing a high-quality education for all learners. The core of the programs centers on the philosophy of social justice and the fundamental belief that all children, regardless of background, can learn and that learning occurs best in environments that foster high expectations; shared responsibility and accountability; standards of excellence; mutual respect; and equity of results.
Program Vision: The educational leadership programs will provide a high-quality program of study and practice that prepares future educational leaders to have the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to provide effective leadership in a variety of complex and diverse school settings. To this end, the programs and faculty are committed to providing the highest level of professional preparation that will enable our candidates to address the challenges and recognize the opportunities in leading a school/district organization toward achieving standards of excellence.
Public: No
Carnegie: Doctoral Universities: Moderate Research Activity
Institutional Mission: As a university, we commit ourselves to academic excellence and the pursuit of wisdom, which flows from free inquiry, religious values, and human experience. We strive to preserve and enhance an atmosphere in which scholarly research, imaginative methodology, global awareness, and an enthusiastic quest for truth serve as the basis of a vital teaching-learning process and the development of lifelong learning. Our core curriculum in the liberal arts and sciences aims to enrich lives as well as professions and serves to unify the undergraduate experience. Graduate and professional schools express our commitment to research, rigorous standards, and innovative application of knowledge. We aim not only to be excellent professionals with an ability to analyze and articulate clearly what is, but also to develop the ethical and aesthetic values to imagine and help realize what might be.
Degree Type: Master's Degree (including minors)
Contact Person: Dr. Diane Reed
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