Editor: Matthew Sowcik
Associate Editors: Anthony C. Andenoro, Mindy McNutt, and Susan Elaine Murphy (Emerald Publishing, 2015)
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What kind of leaders will the world need over the next thirty-five years? How will our knowledge of leadership, leadership development, and leadership education change? Leadership 2050 examines the issues, drivers, and contexts that will most likely influence leaders and followers over the next thirty-five years.
There are very few certainties about the future—one of those is that thirty-five years from now, in 2050, the world will be very different than it is right now. Change is inevitable. The second certainty is that any prognostication today, particularly about leadership in 2050, is going to be inaccurate and incomplete. However, this book is not about predicting leadership in 2050. Rather, it is about exploring and discussing integrated solutions to address the complex, adaptive challenges we will face as a global population.
The many authors of this book have embraced the notion that people make up the future and focus on many of the elements that are likely to remain constant regardless of change. Elements like the importance of emotions, creativity, communication, social justice, adapting, context, and time, all of which impact leaders and followers today, and are likely to have an impact into the distant future.
The book begins with a section delving into foresight analysis, strategic foresight, and scenario planning. It then examines the pressing contexts and most wicked problems facing future leaders ranging from population growth and urbanization to climate change and resource competition. How can leaders create common cause and meet these issues with an eye toward peace, sustainability, and social justice? The book concludes with a series of unique ways of viewing the critical challenges facing leaders and suggests how skillsets and capacities needed to work on solutions to these challenges might be developed.
Leadership 2050 helps us think at once about the demands our world is likely to face in the next thirty-five years and the leadership our communities and organizations will need to both survive those challenges and thrive.
Leadership 2050 was a finalist for the Dept. of Leadership Studies 2015 Outstanding Leadership Book Award at the University of San Diego.
About the Co-Editors
Matthew Sowcik
Anthony C. Andenoro
Mindy McNutt
Susan Elaine Murphy
Praise for Leadership 2050: Critical Challenges, Key Contexts, and Emerging Trends
Table of Contents
Foreword – Ron Heifetz
- Leadership in the Future – Timothy C. Mack
- Envisioning Leadership in 2050: Four Future Scenarios: A Case for Relevant 2050
Leadership – Preparing for Change – Jeffrey L. Suderman and Philip A. Foster
- Leading for Tomorrow in a World Yearning for Social Justice – Donnette J. Noble
- Leadership for Sustainability and Peace: Responding to the Wicked Challenges
of the Future – Rian Satterwhite, Whitney McIntyre Miller and Kate Sheridan - Leadership 2050 – The Call to Shift from Private to Social Reason: Wake Up, Sober Up, and Inquire – Stan Amaladas
- Geopolitical Citizenship 2050: From Totalitarian Statism to Polyarchical Ideologies – Icarbord Tshabangu
- Healthcare 2050: Anticipatory Leadership, Physician Shortages, and Patient-Centered Care –Barry A. Doublestein, Walter T. Lee and Richard M. Pfohl
- Leadership Education 2050: Changing the Spaces and Faces of Experience – Daniel M. Jenkins, Lisa Endersby and Kathy L. Guthrie
- Emotionally Engaged Leadership: Shifting Paradigms and Creating Adaptive Solutions
for 2050 – Nicole L. P. Stedman and Anthony C. Andenoro - The Global Leadership Psychological Contract Model – Actionable to Shape the Future to 2050 – Sebastian Salicru
- Creative Leadership and Social Intelligence: The Keys to Leading in the Digital Age – Cathleen Clerkin
- The Strategist Competency Model: The Future of Leadership Development – Susan Cannon, Michael Morrow-Fox and Maureen Metcalf
- Quantum Leadership: Collapsing the Wave Function – Michael A. Piel and Karen K. Johnson
- Social Artistry: A Whole System Approach to Sustainable Analysis and Leadership Practice – Skye Burn and Jean Houston
- Attentional Leadership Theory: A Framework for the 2050 Leader – Bruce H. Jackson