ILA Book Series

Global Leadership: Portraits of the Past, Visions for the Future


Editors: Michael Harvey and JoAnn Danelo Barbour

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About the Co-Editors

Michael Harvey

JoAnn Danelo Barbour

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction – Michael Harvey and Joann Danelo Barbour
  2. Leadership and Art: A Subjective Self-Portrait –  Nancy S. Huber
  3. Self-Defined Leadership: Exploring Family History to Enhance Future Leadership – Marjorie E. Blum
  4. Existential Leadership: Embracing the Past While Reformulating the Future – Kurt Takamine
  5. How to Use Humor to Reshape Leadership – Peter M. Jonas
  6. Innocents Abroad in the New Millennium: How Well Does the American Leadership Model Travel? – Mark Bagshaw
  7. Discovering the Power of Intercultural Development Inventory as Global Leadership Development Tool – Karen Lokkesmoe
  8. “Worldly” Leadership for a Global World – Sharon Turnbull
  9. Mutiny – Some Failures of Military Leadership, 1943 to 1972 – Kevin Baker and James Warn
  10. Research and Service Learning Study Abroad Experience:  A Context for Developing a Global Ethic of Care – Liz Barber, Charles E. Wilson, Vanessa Duren-Winfield, Jacqueline Greenlee, and Tom Smith
  11. Vision for Change: Partnering with Public Health Leaders Globally – Nicola De Paul, Nancy N. Campbell, Anita Verna Crofts, Aaron Katz, and Elisabeth Mitchell
  12. Transitioning from Employee Portraits from the Past: Leadership Employee Commitment in Modern Lithuania – Dail Fields, Evaldas Andius, and Ruta Krisciunaite
  13. The Impact of Culture on Chinese, Chinese-American, and American Women working in China  – Joanne Barnes and Sharon Drury
  14. Global Leadership Portraits and Visions for the Future: The Poet’s Vision and the Promise of World Peace – Suheil Bushrui