The Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award
The International Leadership Association (ILA) and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) are pleased to partner on the annual Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award to recognize outstanding unpublished student papers. The award is named in honor of the distinguished scholar and former Chief Executive Officer of the Center.

Submission Deadline: 5PM EDT, Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Details on the 2025 Clark Award Submission Process Will Be Available in Early 2025.
The information below is provided as an “in general” snapshot of the award and is subject to change. Check back for details once the 2025 award submission process has been announced.
Award Snapshot
The Clark Award is typically presented either online during a special event or in person at ILA’s Global Conference, depending on the ability of the recipient to travel.
The recipient of the award typically receives:
- $500 cash prize (to be shared if there are multiple authors)
- An engraved Award along with a certificate suitable for framing
- Complimentary registration and an invitation to present in person at ILA’s Global Conference or at a special virtual event after the Global Conference
- Complimentary 1-year ILA membership
- Recognition at the ILA Global Conference
Typical Submission Instructions – Subject to Change
Submissions may be either empirically or conceptually based. Multi-disciplinary approaches to research are welcomed. The paper should focus on some aspect of leadership or leadership development. Submissions will be judged by the following criteria:
- The degree to which the paper addresses issues and trends that are significant to the study of leadership;
- The extent to which the paper shows consideration of the relevant theoretical and empirical literature;
- The extent to which the paper makes a conceptual or empirical contribution;
- Articulacy in writing and presentation; and
- The implications of the research for application to leadership identification and development.
Please read submission requirements carefully.
Papers must be authored and submitted by graduate or undergraduate students only. All authors must currently be students or must have graduated within one-year prior to the submission deadline. CCL staff and papers submitted to other CCL awards are ineligible. All entrants must:
Upload three PDF formatted documents (other document formats will not be accepted)
- The first PDF should only include the manuscript with the title of the paper on the first page. Do not include the author’s name or contact information.
- The second 2-3 page PDF should only include the abstract with the title of the paper on the cover page.
- The third PDF should be a letter on university letterhead from one faculty member certifying that a student wrote the paper and a short statement (150 words or less) conveying why this paper should receive the award.
All three PDF documents should be attached to the submission form and sent together. Separate attachments will not be accepted.
Papers are limited to 30 double-spaced pages, including title page, abstract, figures, tables, and references. Papers above this limit that are not completely doubled spaced are not be eligible for the Award and will not be reviewed. Papers should be prepared according to current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Papers will be reviewed anonymously by a panel of researchers associated with CCL. In the absence of papers deemed deserving of the award, the award may be withheld. Entries (accompanied by faculty letters) must be received by the deadline. The winning paper is typically announced August 1st of each year.
Past Winners of the Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award

Hsuan-Che (Brad) Huang
“It’s All for Show” Performative Allyship as Saying One Thing but Doing Nothing by Leaders

Suyang Ye
Investigating Boundary Conditions for Shared Leadership – Team Performance Relationship: A Team Leadership Coordination Perspective

Teng Zhao
Investigating Boundary Conditions for Shared Leadership – Team Performance Relationship: A Team Leadership Coordination Perspective

Steven Zhou
Patterns of Leadership Behavior: A Person-Centered Approach to Assessing Leadership Styles Across Gender and Level

Sylvie Plante
Leading Innovation Using Social Capital in Public-Private Partnerships

Samantha A. Penney
Fostering a Psychologically Healthy Workplace Through Leadership

Min-Kyu Joo
Strategic Leadership of Female Middle Managers: How Do Female Middle Managers Benefit the Bottom Line?

Aleka MacLellan
The Role of Leaders in Motivating Their Subordinates at Work

Kyoung Yong Kim
Supportive Leadership: A Conditional Process Model Linking Leadership, Climate, and Horizontal Relationships Between Subordinates

Deirdre P. Dixon
Staying Alive: The Experience of In Extremis Leadership

Emily Grijalva
Narcissism and Leadership: A Meta-Analytic Review of Linear and Nonlinear Relationships

Chenwei Liao
Divergent Effects of Leader-Member Exchange Differentiation on Individual and Group Outcomes: A Multilevel Analysis
Taylor E. Sparks
What Do You Give Me?’ Versus ‘What Do You Mean to Me?’: Exploring the Impact of Ethical Leadership and Abusive Supervision on Employee Well-Being
Brian C. Gunia
The Blame-Taker’s Dilemma: Actions and Reactions in the Wake of Organizational Failure
Dong Liu, Ho Kwong Kwan, Greg Fisher
Founding CEOs’ Core Self-Evaluations and New Venture Performance: A Longitudinal Multilevel Analysis
Marisa Adelman
The Relationship Between Dysfunctional Interpersonal Tendencies, Derailment Potential, and Turnover
Hakan Ener
Leadership Experience and Organizational Learning
Robyn Brouer
The Role of Political Skill in the Leadership Process-Work Outcomes Relationships
Herman Tse
Understanding Leader-Follower and Team-Member Exchange Relationships in Teams: A Multilevel Investigation
Franklin Kudo
Transformational Leadership Development in Adolescent Youth: Authoritative Parenting, and the Mediating Effect of Psychological Autonomy and Mastery Orientation
Lisa Boyce
Propensity for Self-Development of Leadership Attributes: Understanding, Predicting, and Supporting Performance of Leader Self-Development
Marie Dasborough
Cognitive Asymmetry in Employee Affective Reactions to Leadership Behaviors
Nathan Hiller
Understanding and Measuring Shared Leadership in Work Teams
2002 Honorable Mention
Kevin S. Groves
Leader Social and Emotional Skills and Follower Openness to Organizational Change
2002 Honorable Mention
Z. William Todorovic & Francine Schlosser
Understanding the Influence of Leader and Follower Behaviors on a Firm’s Entrepreneurial Orientation – Performance Linkage
Tomas R. Giberson
Embedding Leader Traits: Leadership’s Role
Jeffrey C. Kohles
The Vision Integration Process: Leadership, Communication, and a Reconceptualization of Vision
Michael E. Brown
The Needle in the Haystack: Looking for Ethics in
Sheila Simsarian Webber
Leadership and Trust Facilitating Cross-Functional Team Success
Mohan Thite
Identifying Key Characteristics of Technical Project Leadership
Debra Baker Beck
Called to Service: Developing a Workable Model for Nonprofit and Grassroots Organizations
1996 Graduate Category
Stuart J.M. Weierter
Who Wants to Play Follow the Leader? A Theory of Charismatic Relationships Based on Routinized Charisma and Follower Characteristics
1996 Undergraduate Category
Duane Covrig
Moral Administration: Dealing With Ethical Routines, Challenges and Dilemmas
1996 Undergraduate Category
Marguerite Schneider
A Stakeholder Theory of Managerial Leadership