ILA Awards
Each year, ILA celebrates the legacies of indelible leadership thinkers as well as the rising stars of today. Click “learn more” on each award for details.
Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award honors individuals who have contributed in significant and diverse ways to the field of leadership studies. As honorees of the award, recipients are honored at ILA’s Global Conference each year and inducted into ILA’s Leadership Legacy Hall of Fame.
Distinguished Leadership Award
The Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes an individual or group’s leadership in their given field. Recipients are honored at the ILA Global Conference.
Student Awards
International Student Case Competition
The annual International Student Case Competition is an opportunity for students attending the ILA Global Conference to work in teams to analyze a real-world case involving contemporary leadership issues and develop and present a specific set of strategic recommendations that address key issues in the case. The top team from each division — undergraduate or graduate — are honored at the close of the conference.
Jablin Doctoral Dissertation Award
The Jablin award honors and celebrate the life of Dr. Fredric M. Jablin (1952-2004) and is given annually to a scholar from any discipline whose recently completed doctoral dissertation demonstrates substantial insights and implications for the study of leadership. Recipients are honored at the ILA Global Conference and invited to present their work in a special session.
The Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award
The Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award is named in honor of the distinguished scholar and former Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Creative Leadership. The award recognizes outstanding unpublished student papers with a focus on some aspect of leadership or leadership development. Recipients are honored at the ILA Global Conference each year where they are invited to present their work in a special session.
Community Awards
Most Publishable Leadership Education Paper
SAGE is pleased to be the sponsor of the “Most Publishable Leadership Education Paper” award. SAGE awards the winners with travel allowances to attend ILA’s Annual Global Conference; to partner with the leadership community and support attendance of ILA’s Annual Global conference.
Women & Leadership Outstanding Scholarship and Practice Awards
As a community focused on advancing women and leadership, the ILA Women and Leadership Member Community believes it is important to recognize and celebrate people who are contributing excellent work toward our goal. In 2014 WLAG began bestowing awards for outstanding scholarship and practice in the area of women and leadership at our annual networking luncheon at the ILA global conference, but as the biennial Women and Leadership conference has grown, it seems fitting to present the awards at this conference on a biennial basis.