- 9 February 2024
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ILA President & CEO Cynthia Cherrey and ILA Board Director Mike Hardy attended ILA’s inaugural Dialogue Lab (D-Lab) last month hosted at the University of San Diego. The D-Lab’s central convening question was, “How might we exercise leadership that responds meaningfully to the issues of this moment?”
Attendees began the experience with a community building activity and a welcome ceremony that included a land acknowledgement. Throughout the D-Lab, participatory inquiry sessions punctuated immersive group experiences such as a morning spent in the community visiting Via International, Pan y Paz, Café X, and Chicano Park.
The ILA thanks the many members and colleagues who were part of the ILA Dialogue Lab and who came together at the University of San Diego to share in an experimental leadership journey of dialogue and inquiry.
Cherrey shared, “I especially want to express my gratitude to The Design Team of prior ILA Board members who developed the content and the process; The University of San Diego students, faculty, staff; The San Diego Community organizations who sustained us with food from their cultures and nourished in us a greater sense of place and space; and most importantly the participants who engaged in this leadership journey.”
Below, you’ll find some photos from the event taken by Cherrey.