What an amazing conference! The peaceful, rejuvenating, and rustic setting at the Omega Institute offered distinctive opportunities for learning, discussion, networking, reflection, and renewal. From the fireside chats to the 100+ presentations; from the wine and cheese event by the lake to the diverse plenaries. The conference had something for everyone. This page of highlights and resources is for those who were able to attend and those who weren’t.
Looking for the contact information for a presenter or newly met colleague? Log in to ILA Intersections and search the directory.
To begin your exploration of the conference, please explore the links on the right or scroll down for photos and videos from the conference.
Read Women Leaders engage at ILA conference in the Northern Dutchess News article (Published with permission).
Conference Materials
Search the online conference module for papers (if applicable) and abstracts as well as handouts, and PowerPoints uploaded by presenters. Please note that not all presenters upload handouts or PowerPoints.
Conference Videos
Sally Helgesen, “Tapping the Power of the Female Vision” (Monday 12 June, 2017)
Plenary Panel, “Women and Power: Cultivating Influence” (Tuesday 13 June, 2017)
Claudia de Castro Caldeirinha, Tuajuanda C. Jordan, Barbara Kellerman, and Susan Madsen (Moderator)
Conference Photos
We’ve added photos to our flickr stream from the conference!